i feel stupid asking for prayer bout this

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Christian Gamers Alliance Amazon Store Manager
Staff member
lately my parents have been wanting to be avtive in my home group which i dont mind cept the flame it at almost every point and just tonigth they actually relized i talk to girls online (oh no) whioch i have not kept secret and so im kinda scared on what action they may take. prayer for peace of mind for me and ideal parenting decisions for my folks.
don't worry everythings going to be ok. They'll understand that u're growing up and its natural for u to talk to girls. There's nothing wrong with talking to people on the internet, just remember that your just talking. How old are u?
Ok I'm not really good at this. But don't worry everything works out for the best in the end.
15 in 4 days
lol i feel old in my home group since im a year to 2 years older than most of the students
Hi Atown, I am a parent to a 10 year old.  I can appreciate where your parents are coming from.  My only advice is to pray and ask Jesus make his will known in your life and in your parents as well.  I will not give you any advice that goes against the 5th Commandment.  I strongly urge you to obey your parents even if you don't want to or don't like their decision.  It is only with the 5th commandment that there is an additional specific promise for keeping it:  Long life.

Please understand, I am not siding with your parents, I am siding with God.  If they ask you to stop chatting with girls online...then do so.  Keep your lines of communication open with them (your parents) and continue to look to our Lord for guidance and wisdom.

I'll be putting you on my prayer list as of right now as well...God bless!!!
alrighty thanks Peon, but i have always kept EVERYTHING in the open with my parents they are free to search my computer go into my e-mail and my msngers, i have kept all requests. the only thing that i have trouble with is getting irratable when being bombarded by stupid questions while im trying to do soething else. and in some ways ive given up asking for God to show His will since he never has really shown it O_O and the Bible says somewhere like who am i to know the mind of God or sometin like that so im kinda at a neutral point of doing my best to serve while waiting.
I don't think your parents are going ot tell u not to talk to girls, and even if they tell u, u should tell them these are my friends I'm not doing anything wrong, and I'm not hideing it. And keep talking to your friend. I've talked to girls since I was 10. My dad wants me to talk to girls. I never had your problem, so I don't really see their bacis of telling u not to. I'm sideing with u since I don't know your parents and if u wern't online who would continue everyons fav. story. Most parents are overprotective, because their worried, u just have to talk to them and stick to what u believe in. If u think u're not doing anything wrong, and u enjoy talking to these girls keep with it. U seem like a cool kid and very open. I was very different I had everything from my account to email passworded. But my parents trusted me to do whats right. Ask your parents to trust u, if they love u. And they will.
And remember the rabbi loves u

sry thats the coolist guy.
its a blues brotha but ok.... and im posstive my parents love me theres no IF. and i doubt they will too im just afriad they will forbid me to going to CMC (youth group and home group central) which my parents also attended before trying out this old (building is old, people are way old, and old tradiion and set in their ways) church and i have tried it for 7 months now and i want to stop going. i dont enjoy it at all, the people wont listen to my opinion on "change", i yawn through out all the hymns and get wierd stares from the people when i do, the pastors style is boring, and everyonce in a while i find something unbiblical in his teaching and when i tell my parents they cover for him and dont give me a reason O_O. im gonna wait till i hit the 1 year mark that way i have a good defense on where i stand on this issue.
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