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New Member
I have recently found out that I have hypertension which is essentially high blood pressure. It is not all that suprising seeing as how my dad and grandfather have it and to my knowledge it can be hereditary. My blood pressure has been very jumpy in the last few days it has been 150/90 160/90 135/100. I am going to do everything I can physically to try and get this under control. I also ask that you would all pray for me that in the end I will be healed. I do not wish to take medicine as they make you feel bad. Thank you in advance for your prayers.
ah geez, hypertension suks. yeah ur in my prayers
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Atown @ Jan. 24 2004,9:58)]ah geez, hypertension suks. yeah ur in my prayers
Thanks Atown, do you have it too? Also when I get it under control I will read your essay on Paul. I would do it now but I have noticed since I have had this I have been irritated easy and my judgment isnt always the best it normally is and I would just rather stay out of debate for awhile.
Well you see dead_aim I just found out a I had it so no pills or diets yet. This whole week I will be taking my blood pressure everyday and then she will tell me what to do. She wants to try and figure out what my normal blood pressure is. Then she may or may not give me pills. I am trying to eat better yes but after I see my doctor I am going to see if either she can put me on a diet or if she can send me to a dietician.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ToJ | Dead_Aim @ Jan. 25 2004,12:51)]Thats cool, hope you don't have to take pills its a pain.
I am hoping not. I just found a diet for people like me called dash. It is showen to dramatically drop blood pressure in just two weeks. I am going to start this diet now combined with walking a half mile or mile a day. With all of your prayers and me doing this I believe when I go for my checkup next week my blood pressure will be stable enough for me not to have to take medicine.
Well I went to the doctor today. She has put me on some medicine a diuretic. I am having a few tests done on my kidneys to make sure they are ok. I cant remember the name of the medicine as I dont have it with me. However it is a kind that can be taken off at any time. So we are going to try it with the medicine and a better diet then as I get better try taking away the medicine. My cholesterol is borderline of high risk however she said that it is not high enough to where she would want me on medicine for it. I go back in a month and by then I expect to be in alot better shape.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ToJ | Dead_Aim @ Feb. 02 2004,8:25)]Thats great! Perservere.
Thanks. I should also note that I cant take my medicine till thursday. I am doing a test that requires me not to be on medicine for so long before I take it.
pop man youre in my prayers, my dad is also having some trouble with his heart, so i kinda feel you, but for sure, youre in my prayers
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Tek7 @ Feb. 23 2004,12:06)]Any updates, mrpopdrinker?
Oh yes sorry I forgot.  
 The medicine I am on coupled with eating better has dropped my bloodpressure to a normal of 130/80 or at times 130/70 it usually is around there now. I know I feel alot better now seeing as how I dont get headaches alot like I used to. Dyazide is the name of the medicine I am on. It to my understanding isnt really a medicine but rather a treatment. I believe that eventually as I improve if I remember correctly I may very well be able to go off it. I have been losing some weight as well so that helps. If I may ask please do pray that I can go off of this by summer.
my dad has high bp, and i'll proly hav it too. I watch what i eat sometimes, to control meh self so i don't over do anything.

u're def. in my prayers.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Atown @ Mar. 02 2004,4:45)]alrighty hope ur off it by june.
Thanks but it isnt happening. Infact I am now on a different stronger medication. All my tests have come in and I guess I have some kidney damage although I am not sure how much. This medicine should help heal them. It was something about how some holes got bigger and I am losing some protein.
eh, that aint good. im praying for ya still.
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