How to disable Blizzard's Real ID


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
This is a very quick How-To on disabling the RealID function in game.

If you are not aware, if you have RealID enabled, an addon or scripts can grab your RealID info. Disabling RealID stops this from happening.

1. Go to and log in.
2 . Under Manage My Games, click on the Parental Controls link.

If you HAVE Parental Controls already enabled, skip down to #9, otherwise:

3. Click the "No - Set up Parental Controls Now" button.
4. Enter your Battle.Net login under "Child's Account Name"
5. Enter your Battle.Net password under "Child's Account Password"
6. Enter your Battle.Net email under "Parent's Email Address" and "Confirm Parent's Email Address".
7. Click on "Set Up Parental Controls"
8. You will get an email verification with a link in it to complete the setup. Click the link.

9. Go to the link that was provided in your Parental Controls email.
10. Make sure the "Enabled RealID" checkbox is NOT checked.
11. Click "Save Settings"

Congratulations, RealID is now disabled for your Battle.Net account for in-game access.
Source: HowTo: Disable RealID
Nice find, Tek7! Maybe you should sticky it, too.
I thought about it, but we have so many stickies already. I figure anyone interested in disabling Real ID will probably find this forum thread anyway.

And, of course, you or another The Forgiven member is welcome to cross-post this thread in TF forums.
One thing you might want to add is that this will disable the use of official forums soon. (at least I think so, might need to double-check)
One thing you might want to add is that this will disable the use of official forums soon. (at least I think so, might need to double-check)
Not any more.

EDIT: I'm keeping Real ID disabled because I don't want friends of friends to see my real name:
What is the "friends of friends" feature of Real ID?
Similar to other social-networking platforms, when you click on one of your Real ID friends, you will be able to see the names of his or her other Real ID friends, even if you are not Real ID friends with those players yourself. If you happen to know someone on that list, you will be able to quickly send a Real ID friend request to that player. This feature is designed to make it easy to populate your Real ID friends list with people you might enjoy playing with.
Source: Real ID

If they give users the option of only allow my friends (and NOT friends of friends) to see my real name, I would consider re-enabling Real ID.
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