How long do you guys think?

ToJ | Dead_Aim

New Member
With all the many prophocies (spelling) coming to life:

-Israel became a country again
-The Euro
-Now the fall of Babylon (Bagdad).
-The fact that we have the technology to give people the mark of the beast worldwide

Ok so now that everything is starting to fall into place how long do we have on this earth before God comes? I was wondering what you guys think.
Who's to say Baghdad is Babylon?
I don't believe it is.
In fact, I have heavy beliefs that Babylon lies about five or or sixe thousand miles WEST of Baghdad: the land of the free: the home of the brave: the center of the world: America.
Think of it. Everyone in this world that has trade has gone to America. America's done it all. From America, half the world is supported through OUR money (not that we AREN'T in debt to these other countries, but they would be dark spots on this globe if it weren't for us, as well). How many other countries are kept alive through their trade and commerce in America? Plenty of them. How many other countries have served within America, a boiling pot of sorts? Many.
America will fall one day, and THAT will be a sign of the endtimes. It will burst into the flames, and all the kings that fornicated with America will weep and lament, and the traders as well, for no one will be able to buy their products any longer. And where will America be when it burns? Nowhere: it will be destroyed.
America is also a pit of sin, as worse or worse than Babylon. Another support for my belief. We're sick individuals in America, and our sins probably far outweigh anything BAGHDAD may try to come up with: I mean, come on! We're the porn masters of all sorts, cursing is cool, smoking is in, drugs are bad (on the surface, at least, that's what we say), America doesn't lie, we're good people, we love God, we love others, we're not suspicious at all of fellow humans who move in, we don't scare our people, we're not descending into Communism!
That's America...
Other than that, I can see some of your prophecies (namely, the first and last one). The Euro so far is for Europe alone...once that moves to the rest of the world, I hope I'm dead. And when the chips come: screw that. There is no way ANYONE in this world is going to put a chip on MY child and track his movements from birth until death, or implant a chip in me to prevent me from buying anything, or selling anything, or even being counted among the living, unless I have that chip.
SCREW that.
And if you have any problems with that, refer to my Doomsday Posts.
Contrary to a majority of American's beliefs. The Bible could care less about us as a country. The prophecies in the Bible, especially those concerning the end times, are based around Isreal. While they will happen on a global scale, it's based around Isreal. Babylon will be east of Isreal, and landlocked with them. it will also be east of the Euphrates.

I believe that Babylon will be somehwere in the mideast.

Also just because it's been conquered doesn't mean it's fallen.
These thoughts have been going on ever since Jesus rose again. The truth is, we don't know. We can't know. Only God knows. There are lots of things happening today that seem to point to prophecies being fulfilled, but only God knows the true answers to them.

Israel became a country, but not all countries recognize that. So...many people wonder if Isreal is really considered a country. When credit cards came out, people thought THAT was the mark of the beast.

All that said, I believe Christ is coming back REAL soon.
How soon?
John said he would come soon....2000 years later he's yet to arrive.
Now I had a thought going: Suppose Christians are wrong (I know we aren't, but for sake of random thought)? Suppose then, that Christians never believe they're wrong, and look forward to the day when Christ returns for them.
Now, only God knows when he'll return right? So Christians will be watching and waiting for the Day, and He'll never show....thousands of years will pass and we'll still be looking forward...only no one will come.
And we'll never know when he'll they keep on watching and waiting. That would be sad.
But I don't think that's going to happen. I believe he'll come. I know He'll come. Soon, says he. But what's soon to God? It's in His own time.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Ultima Avatar @ April 19 2003,8:49)]How soon?
John said he would come soon....2000 years later he's yet to arrive.
Now I had a thought going: Suppose Christians are wrong (I know we aren't, but for sake of random thought)? Suppose then, that Christians never believe they're wrong, and look forward to the day when Christ returns for them.
Now, only God knows when he'll return right? So Christians will be watching and waiting for the Day, and He'll never show....thousands of years will pass and we'll still be looking forward...only no one will come.
And we'll never know when he'll they keep on watching and waiting. That would be sad.
But I don't think that's going to happen. I believe he'll come. I know He'll come. Soon, says he. But what's soon to God? It's in His own time.
His coming kingdom is also a foundation of our hope. When these things begin to pass, we are instructed to look up, for our Lord's return is close at hand. God is not a liar.

Funny, people who are hopeless, ALWAYS look down, ever notice that?

As for "How Soon" Jesus' return is always immenant, he will come like a thief in the night. If we knew when the the thief was coming, we would wait for him and prepare only before he showed up. We would do nothing the rest of the night. As long as we are unaware of when his coming is, then we will always prepare for his immenant return.

Don't want to be caught, lazing around do we? Let us not forget the parable of the 10 virgins, they learned of his coming, but 5 were not prepared. They knew their master was coming and still did nothing to prepare for his coming and were caught lazing around without enough lamp oil.

There is no need for doubt, look up, for our redemption is coming. Look up, because you have hope. Look up and prepare for his coming, don't want to be caught of gaurd. We know his coming, whatcha going to do?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]As for "How Soon" Jesus' return is always immenant, he will come like a thief in the night. If we knew when the the thief was coming, we would wait for him and prepare only before he showed up. We would do nothing the rest of the night. As long as we are unaware of when his coming is, then we will always prepare for his immenant return.

This is exactly what I was going to say.
Good answer there, Saxamaphone! That would be my answer.
Paul said that if Christ did not resurrect, our faith is vain. That would mean Christianity has no point, no basis: our God is as dead as Mohammed and Buddha. Not too spectacular, is he?
But He's alive...and He's coming. What a thing to look forward to!
A thief in the night...funny he should use that term. Heheheheheh. God and thievery aren't exactly compatible, now are they? But it's an analogy. I like the thought of that: caught with your pants down when Christ comes? Poor you...and the Day of the Lord (Judgement Day) will be heralded with trumpets and what have you, and the dissolving of the elements. Yeesh.
If we knew the time, we would probably max out our sins before asking for forgiveness, and then live our life out for God those final hours...and then BAM! Rapture time.
But that's not what we should do.
It's cool to see that my words don't go unheard...even though they're the words of ignorance (I am just a kid, after all).