

New Member

I got my guild invite today,
and as the thread says to here is my small intro of myself
firstly i want to say thank you to the people who made it possibkle for me to join this guild
My name is darren i am also known as Daz, i am 16 and 17 in 1 whole week, i have owned guildwars a long time but and not played it until recently, I then met a few of your members and i got to know them a biut and we talked about christianity and a few days ago the pointed to this guild so qith no hessitation i applied

i am a big paintball player and i am currently in further education and my parents are divorced

hope to see you in game and thanxs again guys
Peace Out
Darren:cool: :cool: :eek:
Welcome! If you need help just say something in Alliance Chat and if for some rare occasion (like playing PST at 3 in the morning when no ones on) that someone doesnt answer post on here and you will get helped.
Glad to have you abord!

PS Happy b-day in a week!
thanks alot guys and stc95 ACE picture of your dog there im liking the yoda thing you got going on !!
Welcome to the family and early happy birthday! My family and I are the new member officers and love helping people get started. So don't hesitate to ask for help. Guildwiki at http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Main_Page is a great palace to go for info (I still stop by there at least once a day even after playing the game for a year) What game do you have and what professions do you play ie. monk, Ranger?

Kel Queen of all Europe
Dwain Dibley - W/E
Dra Lire - R/N
Godess From Above - D/Mo
thats all for now but when i get factions soon ill have another
Has there been a picture of Kel yet on the "Fun with Webcams" thread? I remember seeing Rho and Popcorn Boy but don't recall seeing Kel (good info for CS since he likes to pick on Kel anyway).
Has there been a picture of Kel yet on the "Fun with Webcams" thread? I remember seeing Rho and Popcorn Boy but don't recall seeing Kel (good info for CS since he likes to pick on Kel anyway).

Is it still considered "picking on" if I write "j/k" after every time I say it? :P
Has there been a picture of Kel yet on the "Fun with Webcams" thread? I remember seeing Rho and Popcorn Boy but don't recall seeing Kel (good info for CS since he likes to pick on Kel anyway).

Here's the problem with that.

Unlike Dea I look 32 and have a nice bit of baby fat but I still see myself as the young girl in my wedding photos and to put up a current picture would be putting up a picture of someone other than me. Ok I know it sounds weird and I'm not saying I hate myself or my body but more of the saying "you're as young as you feel" and I like to feel 18 :p

Kel Queen of all Europe
We just took some pictures the other day that she is considering letting me put up Hal. So maybe.....

Rho Lowly Concort to the Queen of all Europe
Lol, Pastori and I are both 300 pounders. You notice we both just put up head shots. No need to glorify all that baby fat in public.

Just joking anyway. Rho, if she is uncomfortable with that don't let her put one up. Won't hear anything else from me on the subject.

Got the pic I wanted anyway when Andrew posted sans helmet.
thanks alot guys and stc95 ACE picture of your dog there im liking the yoda thing you got going on !!

i wish that was my dog, he'd be so spoiled.. sadly tho i only found him on google, just type in Yoda Dog and you'll get tons of him. but ya i like it :D

Kel havent you learned now that we all have liked you without seeing you, we have no clue what you look like but that wont change if we do, but if you dont want to post you dont have too. i guess we could guess what she looks like from what Popcorn looks like, hm... :p
You guys are really sweet. I know you'll love me no matter what :)

Kel Queen of all Europe

I'd hang you for treason if you didn't :D
You couldn't hang me! It's Europe versus Australia and if you thought Steve Irwin was crazy there's a couple million of 'em down there while in Europe... well I'd just say that I'd win :)