Herioc Lost City Exploit


Redeemed Guild Leader
When Shadra and I were doing a heroic tonight, it was suggested that we take advantage of a bug/exploit to make an encounter easy.

We promptly let the tank know that we didn't feel comfortable with proceeding with the exploit, and when it was going to happen despite that, we left the run (even though it was our first time getting into what appeared was going to be our first successful heroic run).

Subsequently another group member let us know that they didn't agree that it was a problem, and I dug around a little on the topic.

Here are my thoughts:

1) The EULA clearly prohibits exploits.

2) There are account consequences for participating in them

3) Blizzard representatives have indicated that this is undesirable behavior, and in particular on this exploit

4) I know the world looks at what I do and judges my God on my actions.
"The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians, who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable." - Brennan Manning

To be clear, I share this event in the hopes to spark conversation and consideration of the topic, not to point fingers at anyone on any server.

I look forward to everyone's thoughts.
i hope it's not standing on the gator statue in the 2nd boss fight.
i do that all the time

i didn't think it was exploit or cheating....
Exploit's are tricky things, especially with boss fights.

I would say most are simply using what is there for good, like standing on the statues keeps you from being attacked by adds. I don't feel that is an exploit.

In my opinion, an exploit would be something more along the lines of a one shot of a boss.
I'm not quite sure this is an exploit. The group still takes dmg, it just makes it alot easier dealing with the adds.
In and of itself, this is an exploit. The fight is designed to spawn adds to mess with the group and cause them to take extra damage. If you are using a statue to evade-bug the adds so they can't hit you, its an exploit. Not taking damage from the adds in a non-exploitive (word?) way would be using CC and whatnot.
In and of itself, this is an exploit. The fight is designed to spawn adds to mess with the group and cause them to take extra damage. If you are using a statue to evade-bug the adds so they can't hit you, its an exploit. Not taking damage from the adds in a non-exploitive (word?) way would be using CC and whatnot.

How do you know the statues were not designed to be there for ranged to stand on and not take damage? It really appears they are by design.
It seems to me that when the 'tactic' is described using phrases like "bug the encounter" as was done in this case, it should be considered an exploit. In the same fashion, I felt wrong about "bugging Hadronox" in Azjol-Nerub.

Additionally consider that the encounters are designed with adds in mind, so preventing them from attacking seems like an exploit. In this case, the encounter intended non-melee, via Scent of Blood, to be attacked by adds requiring them to react to that attack in some fashion.

Regarding describing the exploit, please notice that the Blizzard rep removed that text from the post I linked to.
If I've got a gator on me, and I can jump on a statue to get the gator off of me, I'm jumping on a statue. Real life or not, gator bites hurt.
I should mention that regardless of our personal feelings, I am proud of you for standing up for what you feel is right, and acting on it.. even if it was at some personal loss of your own.

Thats real moral character, and it should be noted that not many people would do the same thing in your shoes.
It seems to me that when the 'tactic' is described using phrases like "bug the encounter" as was done in this case, it should be considered an exploit. In the same fashion, I felt wrong about "bugging Hadronox" in Azjol-Nerub.

Additionally consider that the encounters are designed with adds in mind, so preventing them from attacking seems like an exploit. In this case, the encounter intended non-melee, via Scent of Blood, to be attacked by adds requiring them to react to that attack in some fashion.

Regarding describing the exploit, please notice that the Blizzard rep removed that text from the post I linked to.

excuse my slowness
so is jumping on the statue the exploit in question here?
well if Blizzard removed the description, how am i suppose to know what to avoid?
I should mention that regardless of our personal feelings, I am proud of you for standing up for what you feel is right, and acting on it.. even if it was at some personal loss of your own.

Thats real moral character, and it should be noted that not many people would do the same thing in your shoes.

In and of itself, this is an exploit. The fight is designed to spawn adds to mess with the group and cause them to take extra damage. If you are using a statue to evade-bug the adds so they can't hit you, its an exploit. Not taking damage from the adds in a non-exploitive (word?) way would be using CC and whatnot.

When you stand on the statues, the adds don't evade bug, they just run to the tank. So he/she does take more damage.
When you stand on the statues, the adds don't evade bug, they just run to the tank. So he/she does take more damage.

Not in my experience. The adds would spawn and just stand there not moving at all unless everyone on the statues dropped threat/aggro, then they would run to the tank.