Here we go again.

Synopsis: The US Pledge of Allegiance is once again under scrutiny, as a lower Federal court has ruled that the inclusion of "under God" in the pledge is a violation of Constitutional rights. The case, filed in San Francisco, will be appealed to the 9th Circus Court of Appeals, which will immediately uphold the ruling (if pattern holds), and the case will then be brought to the Supreme Court.

Shockingly, I tend to agree. I don't agree with the idea that "under God" should come out of the Pledge. Rather, I agree that the way our Constitution is written, the inclusion of the phrase can be interpreted as a violation of an atheist's rights, and therefore from a legal standpoint, it probably should not be in the pledge.

I, however, regardless of any court's decision, will continue to include the phrase when I recite the Pledge, as it is my right to do so. I will teach my child(ren) to include "under God" in the pledge as well. Then, when a liberal teacher tells my son that he can't say that, I'll get to go to the Supreme Court and win the right to make the phrase optional, which is the correct interpretation.
I am of the opinion that if one doesn't like America can just move. I don't move to India or Korea and expect them to change for me now do I?

Political Correctidness is going to be our downfall.
What is wrong with the original, 1892 pledge?

"I pledge allegiance to my flag and the republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
It was added later, you know?

The original 1892 phrase was as DV wrote it - the whole fabric that the founding fathers had in mind for the US government was utterly secular.
No it wasn't - how fortunate that I didn't write that, eh? :)

I said that the fabric of the government was intended to be secular - they'd had enough of being persecuted on religious grounds and were bound and determined that nobody would suffer that fate in America. Remember the words - "Seperation of Church and State"?

Worth thinking about.
I am of the opinion that if one doesn't like America can just move. I don't move to India or Korea and expect them to change for me now do I?
Isn't that what christians have done, go to other countries and convert the people, There are now 22 million christians in India, the largest in the world.
So to say that would be hypocrytical.
Also america went in to Iraq and Afghan to give them the same freedoms we have, the freedom to practice what ever religion u wish.

I agree with having a option but not at school. If u want to teach your kids to say it a diferent way thats fine, but at home. I don't think religion has a place at school, because u have so many different faiths.
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hescominsoon said:
separation of church and stae does not exist in the Constitution as many atheists want to portray. The establishment clause says congress cannot proclaim a state religion. It doe sot say religion shoudl be separated form the gov't.

Nor was this nation founded as a Christian nation, as many Christians want to portray.

Again, would someone like to tell me what was wrong with the original Pledge?
Well since not everyone in america believes in a god, saying it would be a lie right.
How about, "One nation, some of us under god, some not".
It isn't true, Gen. Not everybody worships the same god that you do and some worship none at all. It was never the purpose of the founding fathers to have a state religion or to exclude people on the basis of their religious faith.
What gets me is that there is actually a stink over something that someone could CHOOSE NOT TO SAY. But instead they have to make it a point and remove it for the rest of us? That my friends isn't fair. What IS fair is for those individuals whom chose NOT to call our God their God can choose to be silent and not say it. Simple.

You are funny. Look at it this way..

Have you forgotten that you have the FREEDOM NOT TO SAY IT? That is what I don't understand. Why can't those who do not choose to say 'under God' simply utilize their freedom to NOT say it. Don't force it out of my culture just to make it easier on you.
Let me put it to you another way... How would you feel if they, instead, REPLACED 'under God' with a word of their choice?

How about some old favourites....

One Nation, Under Allah
One Nation, Under Isis
One Nation, Under Satan

Any of those give you a bit of a chill if they were officially allowed as the pledge of allegiance.

Incidentally whilst we were living in Europe my brother attended an American forces school. Do you know that they SERIOUSLY attempted to make him say the pledge of allegiance and there was quite a stink when he assertively refused on the grounds that it was treason?
But if not everyone in america believes in god, then one nation under god would be a lie. It would be like saying Iraq has WMDs.

Am I wrong but is this mostly about kids saying it in school. Because as I said before unless its a private school, religion has no place in the public educational system.
We have the same fight in canada with people wanting to pull the word god of of the canadian national anthem, and the constitution. And since we had to sing the anthem in school once a week I think it should be removed, atleast from the school version. What u do in your own huse is up to u, but education in a public school should respect all the people, not part of it.
U have the freedom to say what ever u want in your own home. Can I come over to your house light a smoke and sit on your couch. I have the freedom to do so right.
U can teach your kids what ever u want at home, but in a public school system u have to respect the views of all the kids, not just the ones that believe in god.