help with a friend

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New Member
Ok, I have a friend named Curtis and hes a very good friend of mine! He is indeed christian but I have one problem..his parents think it is alright for him to say what the h***" I do not find this correct...and lately he has been taking too much advantage of that priveledge...can you guys help me out? thanks
Silly guy...

Hello Ben... I would have replied earlier, BUTIJUSTJOINEDYESTERDAYSOCUTMESOMESLACK,K? :)

Anyhow, I know some Christians who don't have a problem saying that. I personally feel convicted about that phrase (as do you), but IMO, this is one of those gray areas. Coarse language is not a gray area, but whether that phrase would be considered coarse is, if that makes sense.

So, I'd let him know that you don't like using that phrase and that you'd appreciate it if he wouldn't use it around you, since it bothers you. But hey, that's just me.

And also, as you should whenever you get advice, check what I'm saying against Scripture-- if I'm wrong, I'd like to know.
Let him know that you don't agree with it Ben, and leave it at that. You don't need to force him, or even be overly persistent, but he does need to know you don't agree with it. If he continues using the same phrase in a month, then simply remind him how you feel about it. If he still doesn't listen to you then that's okay, because ultimately it's his decision; though you may need to keep telling him that you believe it's wrong.
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