Help me build a better UI


Ok I have always been add-on phobic - I like to the play the game old school but I realize that add-ons for better or for worse are here to stay.

I would like to build a nice clean UI that is simple yet effective

Primarily for healing

Second for tanking

Any tips of any kind are appreciated
I, too, use Dominos. Decursive is good. I like Healbot for healing, others prefer other things. I like to keep it basic, too. I would encourage only using the add-ons you NEED.
For interface addons I just use Bartender to consolidate my actions bars and Quartz to give me a nice cast timer bar that shows latency on it. The blizz cast bar doesn't give nearly enough information about cast time/latency. And then for healing I just use grid.
For replacing the WoW action bars, I have went back to Macaroon which is written by Maul, a member of The Forgiven of Teranus. It is extremely versatile with the option to create macros of extreme length. For the mini-map I started using an addon to customize it and its location called Chinchilla Minimap. For healing I like to use Vuhdo which is very versatile and easy to use in action. It simply selects the target and will let you know when debuffs you can handle are on a player, much less who is under attack and drawing aggro. Not only - it is very lightweight. I use Prat to help organize my chat boxes. That is the main stuff. I use a druid addon for dps'ing with my druid that keeps track of my debuffs and DOT's as well as special attack abilities.
However - my screen ain't pretty, but it is functional. I like to have everything on a button whether it is a spell or a food without scrolling to find it.
If you want some really nice unit frames I'd recommend Pitbull 3 or 4. Pitbull 3 has a lot more options and can be extremely difficult to figure out at first. However Pitbull 4 is very simple but has a lot less options. Another really nice add on is Bartender... Which is for action bars. It allows you to add as many bars as you want and make them as long as you want. If you want to change the look of the individual button I'd recommend Button Facade and you can change the look. If you're looking for a buff frame add on I'd recommend Satrina Buff Frames. Very easy to use and can be customized easily. The map add on that I'd recommend is Chinchilla. Again it's very easy to set up and it looks really good. If you want to put some nice panels behind stuff to make things look nice you can try KG Panels. There's also some other random add ons that you can get new fonts and textures. If you have any questions on setting up your UI or what add ons to use feel free to ask me in game. Here's a quick recommendation for add ons:

Action Bars: Bartender
Unit Frames: Pitbull 3
Buff Frames: Satrina Buff Frames
Map: Chinchilla
Chat: Prat
Extra Textures and Fonts: Shared Media
Damage/Healing Meter: Skada
Loot: Atlas Loot Enhanced
Cast Bar: AzCastBar

I can't think of anything else at the moment... And to anyone else out there. Please feel free to ask me about add ons. And if you're looking for a new font I know how to change it so you can use ANY font you want!

I currently use all these add ons and this is how I have it set up.
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CBHviewport is a great way to help your UI look a little more organized. It puts black bars on the bottom of the screen to put your buttons on. You can put one on the top too if you want, but I don't.