

Adonai Nehiyr


I just discovered this site, and I think it's a great idea! As a Christian, the world is full of struggles and snares. Even the best games can still have a great deal of evil in their ideas and design.

I'm glad their are groups like this where Christians can support each other and keep each other in check, so we can enjoy games in as godly a way as possible.

Quick question: Does anyone here play mmorpgs (Particularly Shadowbane)? I used to, but found the atmosphere of most to be so....twisted...that I just gave it up. I would love to have a fresh start surrounded by Christan fellows, and Shadowbane looks like a neat new game.

But anyways, nice to meet you all,

Now, Nspire, where are your manners? No hello or anything. *shakes finger* ;-)

Welcome to CGA! I don't play mmorpgs myself, but I know of a no-combat one that I've heard has some Christian basings: http://www.atitd.com/
Thanks for the warm welcome BlazeQ! I'll check that out.

As for your question, Nspire, i'll try to give a simple answer for a complicated issue

1> As a Christian, we are responsible for our thoughts, actions, and motives, and should seek to glorify God in all we do.

2> Most mmorpgs are based on a polytheistic or neo-christian paganistic theology.

3> Most people in these games that roleplay pretend do so within the belief structure of the game - IE, believing in one or more of the false gods.

4> This 'pretend belief' undermines the authority of God in the minds of those who participate in it, as we are held accountable for our thoughts as well as our actions (point one).

When I say 'twisted,' I mean that the foundational perspective of the world in these games is, well, twisted from what we know to be true. I am no longer comfortable even pretending about such things.

And I dont mean stuff like fantasy races or violence - creativity and struggle is part of life. I specifically mean most games denial of the one creator God.

Ok, that was a long explanation - my apologies, its late and im not quite awake <g>.

Welcome Aaron!

How did you find us? I played Shadowbane and did a preview of it. Didn't get really into it. Some definite darker elements (undead etc) but cleaner than some RPG's
Basically, I was just curious if there were any christian game guilds and did a quick google search. I was pleasabtly surprised
Welcome! I hear ya on the RPG stuff. I struggle with the same exact issue. I used to never play RPGs because they usually have a spiritual side which is completely contrary to God.

I did buy Dungeon Siege last year and thought it was GREAT. As my signature says, I'm currently playing Icewind Dale I. I certainly don't believe in the belief system they represent in the game. If it turns out I find too many offensive things in the game, I will stop playing it. But I would also like to write a review on the game, and I will need to finish the game to write it.

Anyway, this concern comes up once in awhile. If you don't feel right playing a certain game, then by all means don't play it. It sounds like you are already following that.
Hi Adonai

Welcome ! ... Hope you enjoy your stay here !
I quite agree with your assessment about RPG's. And its not always possible to separate the gaming environment from the real world in terms of living to the glory of God.
Personally I enjoy being able to channel the power of my Patron deity - Thor - in Dark Age of Camelot. If you want to RP a Christian, why not play in Albion there and become a Paladin or a Friar?

Good Question, Eon.

In DAoC a great variety of belief systems are linked together. All our given roughly equal power and prominence in-game, a reflection of many real world eastern religions.

My real problem with it is this though:

One could sum up the idea behind the sin of 'magic' in the Bible in this way.
~ First, the belief that there is power beyond what one can normally see or experience (correct).
~ Second, the conclusion that one can control or manipulate this power - thus making oneself greater than it. (Incorrect and idolatrous!)

Now, God does grant us certain gifts and powers. However, He does so at His own discretion and not according to a ritualized 'formula' that we can control.

Unfortunately, in fantasy rpgs magic follows this false idea. You don't ask for miraculous help, you control it. That's dangerous. This is even to the point where in many games you're given the opportunity of defeating the 'gods' (IE, everquest, almost-deities in Daoc, and the majority of DnD based games). This is the logical result of the initial claim that you can control miraculour, supernatural, or divine power. This is also pride in its worst form - the desire to exalt the self beyond God.

Wow. Two rants in two days. I'm on a roll.....doh! One of these days I'll just kick back and hang out with you guys instead of turning one sentence questions into three paragraph discourses <VBG>.

Ah well, thanks for the friendly responses. I like it here allready


P.S. I should have mentioned - I think 'magic' can be done right. If the setting respects the authority of God, and sets 'magic' as something normal within the world (rather than an abnormal, supernatural power) then magic is cool. It becomes another natural force, like fire or gravity, and takes no glory from God.

I just haven't seen too much of that, you know?