Hello all.


I hope things are well with you all these days.

I wanted to say hello to you all (those who actually remember me that is) :)
and to let you guys know that Nov 30 @12:23am my wife gave birth to Morgan Benjamin Isaiah Gilbert who weighed in at 8lbs 7oz and a full head of black hair :D

Both baby and wife are home resting now and I have taken some time off work to help her recover and look after my family. Sorry I took so long to post but I have been pretty busy.

Later everyone,

(aka Ironwolfe)
screen shot (multiple) or Tinie and Shuranda will hurt you? I think that's how it goes :)

We love you and hugses are in order for you and the baby :)
What wonderful news:) We are glad to hear from you and even happier to hear that your wife and Morgan are doing well:)