Heaven or Hell?


Active Member
Any/many types of Christians WILL go to Heaven, yes?

Many/some/few people not Christians WILL go to Hell, yes?

It annoys me sometimes, say people were on live on tv from a tv camera, "Where would you go when you die? Heaven or Hell?" Most or all ppl would say 'Heaven'. Half of those ppl are NOT Christians, what the heck man!

This is all fact yes?

Christians = Heaven
NOT a Christian(Athiest, Non-christian, etc) = Hell

Seriously, why can't many/some/few ;not a christian; admit their ARE going to Hell?

Yes, Hell is an EEEEEEvvvvviiiillll place, its not like non-christian ppl can sneak to heaven's back door, heh.

And yes, some of the athiest ppl(spammers, trash talkers, etc) do admit they are going to hell, heh seems odd.

Many/some/few Bad ppl (trash talkers, etc) admit going to Hell, Good ('Christian') ppl admit going to Heaven, but I'm good, heh, and I cant go to heaven, heh heh, cause I'm not christian.

I'm good but I'm going to Hell, Ahahahahahaha...lol
Most people beleive that if you are a "good" person you go to heaven, and noone really believes they are a "bad" person deserving of hell, unless ofcousre you are christian and then you realize that you really do deserve HELL, and finnally come to acceptance of the only way to heaven, and that is admitting that you are not good enough to get there
Jesus is the only way in. Nothing we can do can impress him to let us in. Jesus is the only way...those that don't believe that will be disappointed.
This is a question of purpose,

Most of us here know that most who say they are believers are actually just using it as a title. It is stating a fact most of us already know, now what are you going to do about it?

You could.....

A. Go tell them they are going to hell-normally get great responces with that approach
B. Not tell them, they will still go to hell
C. Beat them and make them believe, with the sword of truth(lawsuits normally happen threw this approach)
D. Go play games with them with a hope of developing a relationship to show them that Christianity is not as sucky as they think. Let them see christ in you, rather than speak to them about it

your choice
, do what you think will work
My friend, corpfox...you should know this. The world's definition of set standards is relativist. You should know that right now. Heaven...what's heaven? Just a good place for good people? The Kwan? Enlightenment? A reincarnation to an outer plane? A personal planet? An eternal harem? What is heaven?

Kenneth Copeland using his great mind has deduced that since heaven has the four compass rose directions...it's a country...
Well. That's some great logic there. Especially since this is the same guy who thinks that Adam could teleport and fly through space because of his faith, as it stands, he is the first, full of the divine essence of God.

So what is heaven? It is a location. An absolute location somewhere, untouchable now, only viewable after death.
As for hell...I believe it is a physical location as well, a place apart from heaven, separated by an immense chasm...and perhaps the greatest pain of being in hell is this: God is not there with them, and they had every chance to be with God. I believe that is the greatest blow hell can deal: not fire, not worms, if, at all, that is the literal translation of hell: fire and pain forever and ever. Hell is terrible in its punishment because of the isolation apart from God.
I think that is the greatest thing of Hell. The truth of Hell. And since God doesn't exist, neither does hell. Heaven exists, just as surely as God has thirty thousand different faces, you know, just another part of the blind men's elephant.

Bull. God has one face, one side, and one form, and only one way to him. And that is through Jesus Christ. What's the point of believing God is thirty thousand different things if one thing says that he is the absolutely, only, restricted way to God?
Which is one reason why people avoid Christianity: its exlcusiveness. "Why can't I be a pedophile and still love Jesus?" Well...that's sinful, for one. And God can't tolerate sin. And you are called to be like Jesus Christ and to abandon the flesh...not that you can ever escape, but you should strive for the end, to run with a purpose against the flesh.
And if you can't hack that, I'm afraid, then, you'll just have to be satisfied with the "thirty thousand" other faces of God...and see if they don't all lead to the same end.
Cool then, eh?
Would you expect a Jew to say, "Well, you know, I'm not a Christian and Christians say the only way to God is through Christ, so I guess I'm going to hell." Come on, if someone believes something they must believe that they are right. A Jew doesn't accept Jesus as the Messiah so why should he even think it's a problem saying that he will go to heaven. A Jew might say that Christians are going to hell for believing in a false god. Others will say that your beliefs are wrong and they are right. Why would they want to believe that they will go to hell? They will act according to their beliefs, as will you. And actually Corpfox, strangely enough, you are subscribing to Christian beliefs by saying that you will go to hell even though you are a good person. I have no idea why you would choose to believe that or why you would be content thinking that you are destined to go to hell.
personally i think its up to God so i dont condem anyone my self, but i tell them the Truth that is in the scripture to the best of my limited human knowledge, and if they still reject it, well i pray for them that God will change their heart, and let God deal with it because i am not God thankfully, cuz if i was oh man it wouldnt be good.
Well GrandMaster, Corpfox has resigned himself it would seem...he can fight but right now he has chosen not to. Let me tell you something GM: a Jew won't believe Jesus is the Christ because they believe that heaven can be attained by following the Law. TRUE Christians won't accept that because they know that no man can completely obey the Law...it's impossible, therefore, hwo can one obtain heaven by following something made to prove that man cannot obtain heaven?

A person can say whatever he believes to get himself out of hot water (they normally do). I cannot go on TV and say: "Umm, yah, I think I'm like goin' to heaven because I'm a good person."
WHO is good? "There is none righteous, no not one." WHO judges goodness? Us? Look at what WE'VE done. WE butchered the Jews in the 30s and 40s, WE wasted a few million Japs, WE kill each other in the forests, WE murder and rape and steal from each other, WE lust after one another, WE mock and bring down each other, WE hate and despise each other...
How good are WE? And if we are good at all, by what standard do we judge it? Christ? Nope...don't believe in him. Mohammed? Nope. Butchered anyone who didn't say, "Ayah! Ayah! I recant!" Siddhartha Guatama? Dude left his family to seek peace for himself...and encourages others to abandon the world to find themselves and remain there. How good is that? Leave the pains of life to others? Hmm.
I am not good. YOU are not good. HE is not good. SHE is not good. WE SUCK BADLY.
How come you will go to heaven if I won't? Is it because you think you will? Why do you? Oh, you're good? Really? By whose standards? By Lord Byron's standards...man is it. By the Shelleys' standards, man is it. By Hitler's standards, man is it. By Smith's standards, man is it.
And why will you go to heaven? Because you THINK you're good? Well I think you suck badly. I think I'm way better than you are...therefore you should go to hell.

If you restrict truth to relative, wishy-washy beliefs and lies then you have no standard and get lost. What you say GM is exactly that: a loss. No right. No wrong. Whatever you believe is. That's not right. I challenge you to put your hand over the oven's flame and come back and type out with that hand that it did not hurt, and be truthful...tell us if it HURT or if it felt GOOD and your hand is as good as it was before the fire, if you can use it to same degree without feeling any sensation (anything akin to pain, would be a sense) after roasting it.
Can you? Will you? No. You won't. The fire will roast your little piggies alive. That is truth: there is no thought to it. I can think all I want it won't burn, but guess what? It'll burn.
Sorry. Correction, I didn't clarify myself in my example: I said "a Jew."
Not all Jews believe in a single, one God, without any deviating characteristics such as Spirit or Son. Some Jews believe in the Triune God, and in Jesus Christ as God.

I'm sure some Jews also believe God lives on Mars, but that's moot.
By Jew I meant an adherent to Judaism as a religion, so any talk of any beliefs or teachings that are not part of the Torah is irrelevant here.

So you want everyone to understand that there can only be one standard by which man can be judged, huh Ultima? Fine. Now go convince everyone that the standard you go by is the right one.
That's, umm, basically what God tells us to do...have you even ever cracked open the Bible? Just wondering...

And you haven't answered the overriding question...is there a standard, and if so, what IS it? You don't seem to be answering it...do you not want to admit it, or can you admit it?
Here it is...tell me why or why not the following are true: That there exists a standard of moral judgement and actions? That any deviation left or right of said standard is deemed "wrong"? That all men fall under said standard? That there exists no such thing as multiple standards?
Yes, I do believe that there probably is a moral standard to go by. I can only follow the Bible says and hope that it's true, but there is no way for me to be certain about the veracity of what is written in the Bible, especially considering the many inconsistencies and inaccuracies that I believe exist within it. God has never spoken to me and revealed these things to me personally, so I cannot be absolutely sure of what the true moral standard is.

And if God doesn't exist, then I believe that there really is no moral standard that one must live up to. In such an instance, it would be up to each individual to develop their own moral code.

The major thing I want to point out is that if someone doesn't and won't share your beliefs in the first place, you can't expect that they would live their life by your standards. It makes no sense. You cannot PROVE to them that you are right just as you can't prove that they are wrong.
Ahh, true, but man's standards often differ from man's standards.

And if you could name a few inconsistences of the Bible, that would be most appreciated...

I'll tell you this...truth does not differ for another person. Truth is. Anything that is not truth is false. And whatever is false is wrong. Be it lying, taking of the labors of what is not yours, taking of a life not your own (and, perhaps, even taking the life that is your own, for did you give yourself life? No...therefore is your life even your own?), taking of another man's wife, or of another woman's husband, respectively, cheating your customers of what they believe they are purchasing...

Doing those things that are wrong is what clearly defines those things that are moral standards. For instance, telling the truth as opposed to telling a lie. Which would you rather hear? Keep in mind that the truth hurts, and in the long run, will the truth kill you, as a lie may?
Should you beat an innocent kid on his way to school, or help the wounded guy on the other side of the street? What is right? Helping or harming?

Standards are, whether or not the wishy-washy sub-human things that are America wish to believe.

I do not force standards...I will tell you mine, and try to convince you to mine, but no...I won't force. I don't follow Islam.
Well several Bible inaccuracies have been talked about in other posts in the past, but I will bring up a new one that hasn't been mentioned here yet (as far as I know). Genesis talks about a solid firmament separating two bodies of water, and this firmament contains the sun and the stars. I know the response that comes next from you: oh no, that is a metaphorical way of describing it, it is not literal. Well no, that's not true. Here is a very good piece that goes into detail about why that is not the case, if you care to read it. It is very detailed and much more thorough than I could ever be.

First of all grand master the reason god has never spoken to you personally is because you seem to have hope in him instead of faith and if i understood your post right you have said the bible could easily be a lie. As for your biblical innacuracy Maby now the atmosphere is not solid and we can go through it, you must keep in mind that everything in the earth changed after the fall and the atmosphere has degraded over the past 6,000+ years, so before the fall the atmosphre could have very well been solid.
I'm not gonna click on the link but I'll tell you an interesting theory I heard of that coud be backed.
And first off I'll tell you this right now: there was one firmament God made, and that was the sky. After that was the Earth. Before that was outer space.

Genesis 1:6 "Then God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters." In the beginning, there was water. So God decided to split some water up, and keep some water down...weird how that our atmosphere is watery in respects...reeeeeeally weird.
1:7 "Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so."
1:8 "And God called the firmament Heaven. So the evening and the morning were the second day."

Mmkay. That will probably be the passage they'll talk about.
And here's the theory (judging from the other posts, your link is most likely going to expound on this): pre-Flood there was this dome of something like hydrogen, or some metal. I don't know the exact chemical. Anyways, it was a solid dome, translucent, but flimsy enough to no longer exist post-Flood. The sun's dangerous rays could not penetrate the shield and harm the Earth or its inhabitants, but we could receive its light and see the stars and moon and sun and whatnot out there.

Then a few thousand years later came the Flood. Genesis 7:11 says, "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened."
7:12 "And the rain was on the earth for forty days and forty nights."

So we have this tremendous explosion of some sorts underneath the Earth that sends geysers all over the globe flying straight up into the atmosphere, shattering our precious dome that had for so long protected us (notice that more than a few generations after the Flood the lifespan of man dropped dramatically, from Noah's nine hundred and fifty all the way down to Terah's two hundred and five...that's...drastic. And interesting how the massive drop in years coincides with the post-Flood world...change in atmosphere, and a break through the shield they had above them at one point in time...)
and then all life on the ground is wasted while Noah, his family, and the animals onboard survived.

So come landing on the mountain, they see their shield is gone, and whatnot, and life goes on. They sacrifice to God, God makes a rainbow for the first time, God swears never to wipe out man again...that particular way. Doesn't mean he can't end the world whenever he chooses, using his method, say, fire.

Now before the Flood it had never rained. Genesis 2:6 says "...but a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground."
A watery mist...no rain. Yet the earth was fine. It didn't need rain, primarily because rain seemingly couldn't be made.

NOW. Here's the theory (mine, at least, and I believe if you think about it, you'll see it fits). When the floodgates of Earth burst open and dispelled the shield, the new touch to the rays of the sun, the mist's continuous buildup for a couple thousand years after the Beginning, and the mix of both equalled out into a massive cumulation into a humongous worldwide thunderstorm that resulted in a forty-day rain.
That's my theory, and I think it fits.

Now...what's so contradicting and inaccurate about that passage Grand Master?