Has New Orleans just been judged?

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New Member
Everybody knows what New Orleans reputation is for being a city that likes to party hard and revel in sin. How many other warnings has this city had from God in the form of close calls from hurricanes to make it straighten up its act. Of course human nature is to ignore such warnings and pass them off as natural occurences. Well New Orleans just had itself a big kick in the proverbial gut. Of course lots of hurricanes hit the US and lots of them cause massive damage. Well whos to say this is also not God's judgement / warning to straighten up and fly right. SO far this is the most expensive storm to ever hit the US. I say its just the beginning of the whats to come. If this is not enough of a wake-up call for you then probably nothing will be.

Rev 9:20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not, of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:
Rev 9:21 Neither, repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.

Now this is not talking directly about the pre-tribulation people, but it gives us an excellent insight into the hearts of men. A storm of this magnitude is not merely an act of nature, it is an act of God. Will you repent?
Is "straightening up and flying right" likely to change prevailing weather patterns? I fail to see how, by that logic, LA hasn't dropped into the San Andreas fault by now.
How do you determine what is an "act of God" and what is an "act of Nature"?

If this was truly an "act of God", how do you reconcile that to the deaths of Christians, the destruction of churches, etc?
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i doubt that because i know myself and many other christians that if you truely knew the heart of God you would realize, that the people of New Orleans breaks His heart, having to see his children suffer breaks His heart. Now like any GOOD father He is going to discipline His children.

I knew i found myself praying since friday for God to do a great work and destroy the hurricane because of all the Lost and unsaved people in the area, i prayed for the Christians that are there to reach out and be the body of Christ and serve self sacrificingly. who knows maybe my prayers where anwsered in a way as the hurricane didnt hit as badly at New Orleans as it could have, nor was it as strong as it should have been. Divine retribution, i will leave that up to your own personal eschatological views, i see this as an act of nature.

now before anyone thinks i am being idealistic or unreal, know that i lived through Charley in a very hard hit area ( the eye devistated Port Charolotte about 30miles north of where my house is). i spent the last week before returning to school cleaning up roads, and the nieghborhood, and others houses. i am not saying this to brag, but to give you an idea of what the Christians should be doing, IMO.
This is not the topic to discuss at this time. I know DV posted about the tsunami and why it happened. I spent a lot of time praying about it and truely believe that in circumstances such as this, there are better ways to spend our time and energy.

To my brothers and sisters in Christ: Instead of debating this topic, please spend the time in prayer for those who were affected.

For those who are not Christians: Please think good thoughts and send well wishes down.

Perhaps at a later time this can be discussed.

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