Happy Anniversary SoE!!

April 15th isn't just tax day anymore! (OK, so it's not tax day this year anyway.) April 15th marked the first in-game meeting between the three founders of ToJ, myself and those two crazy cats from Idaho, Silver Sand and Gideon Whitestar. So, this marks the unofficial "birthday" of SoE.

There will be three contests that I am running, each for cash and fabulous prizes!

1. Starting on April 8, I will be posting a thread soliciting entries for "your favorite SoE moment." The best story, as rated by the panel of judges (me), will receive 5 plat and a gold or green weapon.

2. The First Annual SoE Screenshot contest will also begin on April 8. There will be winners for Most Artistic, Most Awesomest, and Funniest Photo Shop, each receiving 3k and a gold or green weapon.

3. On the evening of the 15th, we will host the First Annual SoE 500. Runners will compete to see who can get from point A to point B the fastest. The race course will be determined on the 15th, and the race will begin promptly at 9:45 EST. The winner receives 5k and a purple shield.

I hope you've enjoyed this last year as much as I have. I've enjoyed it enough to put up 19k of my own hard earned gold and five, count 'em, FIVE top of the line weapons to commemorate the event. I look forward to seeing you all on the 15th for the race, dance party, and awards show.
hehehehe, time to refine my ele running build