Halion Video


New Member
So, I watched the video of a PTR kill of Halion 25 and, from what I can see, it looks like a whole of don't-stand-in-the-fire. Other than that, though, the fight doesn't seem too deep. Of course, there's nothing in the video to tell me how hard he hits or how much tank switching needs to be done but, ya know...

If you wanna see the video, just go to mmo-champion.com and search the front page.
It's a 3 phase fight, it's most important to know that it's not a dps race boss and it's more of a dps control boss.

He puts debuffs on non-tank (non-melee? don't know if that's confirmed) players that can be dispelled with curse/magic removing effects (lol deathwhisper decurse) that drop some void zone depending on which phase your in that will either knock players back in phase 1(like real far) or suck players into it in phase 2.

Phase 2 also has 2 orbs that rotate around the ring and fire lazers of death or something periodically and you just shift around it.

Last phase is the hardest as the boss will exist in 2 realms at once and the raid needs to split. The dps on both sides need to be as even as possible because if they go too fast on one side the other side starts taking more and more damage depending on the deficit.