Hail (from another hawk)


New Member
Grettings to the Forgiven!

I am interested in possibly joining your guild. At present I don't have any characters on your server. I have 2 lvl 30+ and 1 lvl 45 on Argent Dawn. (RP)

I have been a member of a guild known as the Grey Knights for about 6 years +. For a very long time all of the knights have been scattered across many different game worlds.

I poured over the VN Guild forum, and the Official WoW guild forum looking for an alliance guild made up of Christians (on a PvE or RP server) and found the search very fristrating. I tried a websearch and one of the things I found was the CGA. After looking around I found the Forgiven. (ToJ looked very promising but they play on PvP server)

I would concider rerolling a new character on your server for the chance to play with other Christians (part time or maybe even full time).

I see you have a well known member of the community already known as Hawk. I am usualy called Hawk in games as well.
That would be grand, you would be welcomed into our family. We are a tightly-knitted guild in the sense of helping each other out as well as the encouragement to display the Love of Christ to those we game with. I am the guild master but we have a number of officers who you could also msg in game. I think you would enjoy Terenas as the ppl on this server are by and large a very friendly group already. We have quite a spread in characters but we are currently short on rogues and mages, not that it should effect you in your selection, I would rather have you enjoy yourself in a role you enjoy. The officers are as follows:

Allanon GM lvl 60 Pally
Esua - Allanon's alt - lvl 54 Hunter
Daeder lvl 60 Pally
Perin lvl 60 Priest
Randall - Perin's alt - lvl 54 Warrior
Ryer lvl 56 Hunter
Stoneheart lvl 55 Pally
Angelwiz - Stoneheart's alt - lvl 30-something Mage

There are others but they are not on very often as we are their second fiddle :p - this will come back to bite me :)
:( what do you mean by that?

hehe I am Sharps, rogue, and Orinad, priest.

My main character is on Horde-side Alleria. This is what Hawk means by second fiddle.