GvG Team Build Thread

Halonic had a great idea in Beatrice's thread about wasting time. We need to have standardized builds and build our own language around it. Dredd will be able to come up with a minion team build, and I'll post the Traptershock team build for everyone here.

4 E/Rs
Air Magic: 5 (4+1)
Earth Magic: 12 + runes + headgear
Wilderness Survival: 9
Energy Storage: 8 (7+1)

Spike Trap
Flame Trap
Barbed Trap
Obsidian Flame
Ward Against (Melee, Elements, Foes)
Rez Signet

1 Prot Monk
2 Heal Monks
1 Interrupter or E-Denial Mesmer

(Monks and mesmers please help me with those builds)

So, if I say "We're going to run GvG in 10 minutes, we're running Traptershock, need heal monk and 2 E/Rs" now we'll know what skills to bring.

Dredd, can you please reply with a similar post about minion factory, explaining key builds and such? Also, anyone please share your personal builds for heal and protect monks, and debuffers (anyone who interrupts, denies energy, curses, hexes, or generally makes life miserable for opposing casters).
Whe I get a chance I will Post the builds! Getting rdy for work so dont have too much time!
Shane's Active Prot build
Firstly, if you don't have at least minor runes of every type on your armor go get them. They're cheap, you've got enough pieces of armor to have one of each, and it's an extra edge without any drawbacks. If you're going to use a Major or Sup rune for this build it should be Prot. The extra Divine Favor wouldn't exactly hurt, but it isn't especially helpful.

Signet of Devotion, Reversal of Fortune, Shielding hands, Shield of Regeneration, Aegis, Blessed Aura, Hex Breaker, Rebirth.

Reversal of Fortune can be switched out for Guardian or Mend Condition, and Shielding Hands can be switched out with Divine Intervention.

Prot and Divine Favor should be maxed out, with the remaining points placed in Domination (should give you 3). If you have anything other then a Mes secondary you can just throw in one of the substitutes I mentioned (I recommend Divine Intervention) for the slot.

Put Blessed Aura up at the start, keep Hex Breaker up on yourself constantly, wait until fighting breaks out, and assess the situation. If one person is spiked you should be ready to throw Rev of Fortune, Shielding Hands, and Shield of Regen on (in that order) as quickly as possible. This is a rare situation, but enemies are very very shocked when their spike fails to kill someone.

If, as is normally the case, three or more of your group members are being attacked then you throw Aegis up and use other spells at your discretion. Sig of Devotion should be used as often as possible, in any situation where someone's health isn't quite full. The most damaged people are going to be taken care of by the Healing monks, but there are always a couple people who would benefit from an extra 94 health.

Hex breaker lasts 30 seconds, but you should know rather early on whether you should maintain it or not. If you see other members getting hexed at any time in the fight you go ahead and invest that 5 energy every 30 seconds in keeping Hex Breaker up. If it disappears without running out that means someone cast a hex on you, and you just put it right back up. Rarely are enemies discouraged by one failed hex. Two in a row, for some reason, has more of an effect. So they're unlikely to cast a third until you've got Hex Breaker up again.

EDIT: Helpful hint- to practice with this build before GvG and also to gain mundo faction take it down to the random arenas. I usually go between 10 and 15 consecutive flawless with this build (after 2-5 failures at getting a decent group) before I get bored and go do something else.

Any questions or suggestions for changes are welcome.
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Minion Factory Build:

2 Minion Masters
Bone Fiend, Bone Horrors, Vereta's Sacrifice,Vereta's Aura, Blood of the Master, Dark Bond , Rez Sig

2 Saccers:

55 Health is requires as well as the skill Blood is Power which is a NEcro Skill

2 Mesmers:
16 points into Fast casting (Can get away with less) Restore Life, Vengence,

1 Monks:

A Healing Monk with Heal Area is a must other skills are negotiable.

1 Ranger:

Traps and winnowing or Favorable Winds
Dredd's PvP Healing Monk Build:

Word of Healing, Heal Party, Dwayna's Kiss, Orison of Healing,Healing Breeze, Rez Sig. Something where you can take Hexes off is also a plus.
I usually have 16 into Healing Prayers and 13 into Divine.
How about some Mesmer builds?

Whoa. Still on topic!

I know there are much more experienced Mesmers out there. Anyone have a good Energy Drain Mesmer build? And what Mesmer skills would you add to the Rezmer's Vengance and Restore Life?
ChickenSoup said:
Does your wife know about this?

My wife gets every kind of love I can give - you only get phileo bro.

Now stop that spamming or I might persuade Mirawyn to take your cookies away - and give them to me! :)

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I agree, I'm about to give up on checking threads that show Soup Boy as the last poster anymore because I know there is a very good chance (3 out of 4 on this thread alone) it is a one word post with a superfluous "Z" tacked onto the end. Reading those posts gives the same feeling as opening an email only to find a message touting the latest hot stock tip or cheap prescription medication from Canada. We all know you're capable of more coherent conversation than that CS.

Back to the topic, I think IWAY might be a little more focused for Heroe's Ascent, but it could be pretty good for GvG too. GuildWiki has a pretty good write up of IWAY and all the variations. Take a look at this link to that page.
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Halonic's "Stayin Alive PvP Monk Build"

Fact: Monks are primo targets in PvP. Fact: A dead Monk doesn't heal very well.

With those two things in mind I have been experimenting with a PvP Monk build that gives me a chance to stay alive longer and hopefully throw out a few more heals in the process. Please take it and tweak it or criticize it any way you want. PvP builds always remain a work in progress.

No Superior runes except Superior Vigor. More health=better chance to live. With a Brohn's Staff you will have 590 health and 47 energy. Wenslauss Faith will give you 560 health and 52 energy. I usually start with Wenslauss and switch when I take damage.

Mesmer secondary is vital to this build as you will see.

14 Healing Prayers
10 Divine Favor
9 Inspiration Magic
3 Domination Magic

Rez Signet
Healing Breeze
Orison of Healing
Healing Touch
Signet of Devotion (note that all 4 of these healing spells will also allow you to self heal)
Physical Resistance (+40 armor against warriors beating on you)
Hex Breaker
Mantra of Resolve (you cant be interrupted for 66 seconds)

I still die using this build but sometimes I don't and I always live longer than any of my other tries at a PvP Monk build.
Ok Here are a Few Buildz:

Iway(I will Avenge You):
4 Iway Warriors (W/R)
1 Mantra of Resolve Trapper (R/Me)
1 Martyr Trapper (R/Mo)
1 Orders Necro
1 Fire Nuker Ele

Balanced Build:
1 Word of Healing/ Heal Party Monk (M/Mes) aka WoH/HP
1 Protection Monk
1 Mark of Prot/Infuse Health monk
2 Shock Warriors (W/E) Hammer warriors with AfterShock
1 Ele with Ward against Melee
1 E-drain/Interupt Mesmer
1 Trapper or SS Necro or even another Mesmer (Spot can be used for about anything damage dealing)