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New Member
After 4-5 attempts we got fester down! put in 3-4 attempts on rot to no luck...need more coordination with oozes


a big sorry to those who got shut out of trying to raid due to the inadvertent lock out while adjusting teams.
Woohoo! Next time, we should have me on one of the outside points though. Didn't occur to me until later that I was the only person with both a run speed enchant AND blink to get from spot to spot...would make the run easier on someone else, ya?
GJ all. Sorry I couldn't be there to help, but glad the guild could accomplish this. I heard in vent when you guys put in the killing blow. It was very professional on vent, I think this helped out in the kill.
Why do you have a run speed enchant? Fail!

Woohoo! Next time, we should have me on one of the outside points though. Didn't occur to me until later that I was the only person with both a run speed enchant AND blink to get from spot to spot...would make the run easier on someone else, ya?
gotta say, this boss is stinky *peeeu* .....halfway through the fight I nearly lost it when someone asked in vent "gosh, who is doing all that farting" ummmm,the boss. lol
Why do you have a run speed enchant? Fail!

Erm...actually it's not once you hit a certain level. Look at RAWR - Tuskarr's Vitality is worth more than the lousy 12 crit you get from IW (you're far over hit cap in current gear which makes half of the enchant useless).

There are lots of fights in ICC where movement and getting back on target or getting into a particular position is important, e.g. Professor, Rot, Fester, Marrowgar, Valithria, Sindragosa. It's all about time on target and dodging goo and blinking isn't always the best way to do that.

Fail for picking the wrong EoF boots, EoT ring, normal gems and metas ? ;) I'd suggest more RAWRing and EJing before calling people out for having the proper enchant for most ICC encounters :)
Why do you have a run speed enchant? Fail!

Consider your non-engineering alternatives: Greater Spirit (bad), Icewalker (useless), and....??? Nothing, really. Without Engineering, I definitely want the extra stam and run speed over anything else.
and I'm not really into everybody looking exactly the same or whatever. To me, it's kinda "do what you do" so long as it works and bosses die. I know that argument can be kinda hard to make on a pure dps class like mage, but I think you can accept mage trade-offs just like tanking trade-offs. The 2% extra Intellect meta has its upsides just like the 3% crit damage meta does. Will you stack extra haste over spellpower in order to hit a socket bonus or no? I mean, it's up to the player, I think.
and I'm not really into everybody looking exactly the same or whatever. To me, it's kinda "do what you do" so long as it works and bosses die. I know that argument can be kinda hard to make on a pure dps class like mage, but I think you can accept mage trade-offs just like tanking trade-offs.

I'd say it's impossible to make for a pure DPS class :) In your example, taking a pure haste gem is 100% the incorrect decision. The haste + sp gem is the proper one when the bonus is sp or haste (single slot). Likewise, CSD is the correct meta - period. There are no ifs ands or buts about it - there's mounds of data that support this and I've never understood why people choose to introduce "flavor" in lieu of maximizing their performance, particularly when it comes to pretty cut and dry decisions like that (professions would be a different matter). As far as I (and most of the mage community) is concerned, your only 'flavor' at the current patch level is how you allocate your two "spare" talent points ;) (usually SoTM or IA)

The bottom line is that you are correct in your choice for the enchant (especially in ICC) and the comment that was made was incorrect and a bit inappropriate, particularly coming from someone who's designated as a class leader.
Thanks for your opinion Nevi. Hope you're having fun on another server.

Erm...actually it's not once you hit a certain level. Look at RAWR - Tuskarr's Vitality is worth more than the lousy 12 crit you get from IW (you're far over hit cap in current gear which makes half of the enchant useless).

There are lots of fights in ICC where movement and getting back on target or getting into a particular position is important, e.g. Professor, Rot, Fester, Marrowgar, Valithria, Sindragosa. It's all about time on target and dodging goo and blinking isn't always the best way to do that.

Fail for picking the wrong EoF boots, EoT ring, normal gems and metas ? ;) I'd suggest more RAWRing and EJing before calling people out for having the proper enchant for most ICC encounters :)
It's not opinion. It's fact. As you're well aware, this would be part of the reason I left. It would probably behoove you to not dismiss it as opinion and actually make use of tools available to improve your gameplay and raise the gameplay of the class you're responsible for giving advice to. An opinion would be that you shouldn't be a CL since you don't understand mechanics.

You're nearly 500 DPS lower than what you could (read: should) be due to incorrect decisions. You're still using another MP5 ring, boots are worse than what you can get with crafted; bad gemmings...still. (at least you switched to TV!). Again - not opinion - outright fact.
I don't simply dismiss anything without giving it proper attention to see if there's some truth to it. And you were right about a couple of things. My response was actually one of me holding my tongue because I didn't want to say anything out of pure reaction.

My issue was not simply with being told I'm doing something wrong. It's that you actually went to the armory to intentionally point out what I'm doing wrong, and then posting it, in detail, on forums for a server that you're not playing on anymore - all with malicious intent, not one to help out. I'll admit, your knowledge of the mage class is more than mine, which honestly isn't hard to do since you're right that I don't study this stuff, but will look up details when needed. But it feels like you're bragging about it in this thread.

Class Leaders are more than just knowing how to play a class. Its about helping others to learn, get appropirate gear, etc. AND (*insert personal opinion here), when guild stuff gets a little rough at times and there may be some things one doesn't like, to be a selfless leader. Asking what they can do to help, rather than leave to not have to deal with it anymore.

Nevi, when you were in Redeemed, you helped me A TON with understanding how to play this game. You still do in some ways, so I'm grateful, and I respect you. I'm asking that you do the same, and if your advice is really meant to help someone out, a PM would work much better. Right now your postings say otherwise.

It's not opinion. It's fact. As you're well aware, this would be part of the reason I left. It would probably behoove you to not dismiss it as opinion and actually make use of tools available to improve your gameplay and raise the gameplay of the class you're responsible for giving advice to. An opinion would be that you shouldn't be a CL since you don't understand mechanics.

You're nearly 500 DPS lower than what you could (read: should) be due to incorrect decisions. You're still using another MP5 ring, boots are worse than what you can get with crafted; bad gemmings...still. (at least you switched to TV!). Again - not opinion - outright fact.
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I don't simply dismiss anything without giving it proper attention to see if there's some truth to it. And you were right about a couple of things. My response was actually one of me holding my tongue because I didn't want to say anything out of pure reaction.

My issue was not simply with being told I'm doing something wrong. It's that you actually went to the armory to intentionally point out what I'm doing wrong, and then posting it, in detail, on forums for a server that you're not playing on anymore - all with malicious intent, not one to help out. I'll admit, your knowledge of the mage class is more than mine, which honestly isn't hard to do since you're right that I don't study this stuff, but will look up details when needed. But it feels like you're bragging about it in this thread.

Class Leaders are more than just knowing how to play a class. Its about helping others to learn, get appropirate gear, etc. AND (*insert personal opinion here), when guild stuff gets a little rough at times and there may be some things one doesn't like, to be a selfless leader. Asking what they can do to help, rather than leave to not have to deal with it anymore.

Nevi, when you were in Redeemed, you helped me A TON with understanding how to play this game. You still do in some ways, so I'm grateful, and I respect you. I'm asking that you do the same, and if your advice is really meant to help someone out, a PM would work much better. Right now your postings say otherwise.

You don't need to hold someone to a higher standard than you hold yourself. If you felt he needed to get with you via a PM then you should have gone about messaging him in the same way.

I'm not familiar with what's going on, but from a third party perspective I do not feel Nevi did anything uncalled for or even remotely offensive. Further, people not in Redeemed are welcome to post in the Redeemed forums if they want to, even if it's providing critical insight. I'm sorry if you were offended by his post :s

edit: after re-reading the thread I think Nevi could have been kinder in his words. But, I think he makes a good point in that we should hold ourselves to a higher standard and we should make use of the resources/tools available to us. Not condonin'.. just saying. Either way, responding harshly is not any better than that which provoked.
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