Guild Bank Repairs


Christian Gamers Alliance Forums Administrator
Can I request that all guild members get guild bank repairs? Since we are submitting so much money when we are questing and doing dailies?
Lloren you have to fill out the proper Formal Request for Open Guild Repairs Form, those are blue.

This is the line for Guild Daily Quest Reimbursement Submittal Forms. The line for an Application to file a Proper Formal Repair Request is over there. Please go to the end of that line and take a number.
If I'm not mistaken the next skill up we have as a guild is to collect even more of a % of money as we quest and such...I'd say wait to open guild repairs until we get that. Raid nights should be open to the raiders for guild repairs imo :P
If I'm not mistaken the next skill up we have as a guild is to collect even more of a % of money as we quest and such...I'd say wait to open guild repairs until we get that. Raid nights should be open to the raiders for guild repairs imo :P

Yep - 10% cash flow is next.

Seriously though, I will make sure we discuss this option when deciding what to do with the guild bank money when the 10% rate kicks in and we see what kind of money is coming in. I know, if people are like me, they are hitting exalted with their reps and are doing less and less dailies.
Yep - 10% cash flow is next.

Seriously though, I will make sure we discuss this option when deciding what to do with the guild bank money when the 10% rate kicks in and we see what kind of money is coming in. I know, if people are like me, they are hitting exalted with their reps and are doing less and less dailies.

All money drops go into the coffers so every little beasty that drops a few nickels puts a penny or two in the guild bank.

Thank you for taking this into consideration.
All money drops go into the coffers so every little beasty that drops a few nickels puts a penny or two in the guild bank.

Thank you for taking this into consideration.

One thing I'd like to do when we hit that 10% level is to daily monitor the level of incoming money in the guild bank, and get a general idea of what our weekly income is. If this can be determined, then we can get a pretty good idea of the rate at which we can spend it without going broke. The issue is that the guild bank only logs the last x transactions, and it's rarely enough to get good info. (Anyone have any addons for this sort of thing?)

This will definitely be discussed at the next meeting, which I will organize with other officers very soon.

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Excellent suggestion, Lloren, imo.

Guild bank balance is 54k. That's a lotta gold, and it's not like it earns interest just sitting there. And there IS definite inflation in the game so 54k will definitely be less useful 6 months from now. To the extent any guildy is questing/gearing/PvPing rather than just grinding gold for repairs, we all win.

Looks like some repair-funding is already enabled from the money log. Raiders/vets? Doesn't look to me like the money log shows income transactions ... Flame, to do your suggested analysis would just have to manually pull the balance sheet daily/weekly or whatever, as you suggest. Anyhow, especially with 10% about to hit as both Shecks n' Flame mention out ... gold ain't a near-term problem. I'd say open up the throttle now on this and not even worry until the balance hits, say 20k. Having played guild banker before ... the challenge isn't really "guild bank waste" ... it's "bank guild lack of usage." We've been surprised in the past about how quickly the balance could fall with repairs ... but imo repair bills arent' much worse in Cata than they were in Wrath, and in Wrath, there wasn't any of this automatic deposit business. Since there's now a universal tax, there (imo) should be some sort of universal benefit. The advantage of repairs is that everyone takes advantage automatically. Some potential for abuse if someone ... really likes to die a lot. I guess. But overall, it automatically gets a benefiit to anyhow who has to pay any repair bill ... e.g., everyone.

A daily cap as Chun suggests woudl be great, but not sure if that's possible. As I recall, the interface for this is maddeningly poorly designed.

Anyhow, to recap again, I think the time is right for your suggestion, Lloren.
Maybe give all guild members an allowance of like 5 gold/day for repairs?


I like the brainstorming going on, but keep in mind we have around 600 "members" right now. Even if half of them used 5g a day = 1500 gold/day = guild bank empty in about a month. We will for sure be discussing ways to use our gold as a perk for you guys. Either that, or Flame will use it for his Hello Kitty collection.

I like the brainstorming going on, but keep in mind we have around 600 "members" right now. Even if half of them used 5g a day = 1500 gold/day = guild bank empty in about a month. We will for sure be discussing ways to use our gold as a perk for you guys.

This is what I'm worried about. I tried giving some of this gold back through very easy guild daily quests, but even though there was a lot of good feedback originally, hardly anyone actually participates. On the flip side, however - you're right. We may as well not have any money in the bank if we aren't going to use it. I'm hoping it won't be too tough a balance to strike.

Either that, or Flame will use it for his Hello Kitty collection.

I only need Cinnamoroll to complete it!

I like the brainstorming going on, but keep in mind we have around 600 "members" right now. Even if half of them used 5g a day = 1500 gold/day = guild bank empty in about a month. We will for sure be discussing ways to use our gold as a perk for you guys. Either that, or Flame will use it for his Hello Kitty collection.

I don't think the math would work like this ... a lot of those 600 are lower-level toons that couldn't generate a 5g repair bill if they tried and certainly they aren't logging in daily. I'd propose statistics more along the lines of 75 active, high-level, damage-taking toons logging in 5 times per week x 5 g/repair = 375g = 1,875/week ... even assuming zero gold coming into the bank, the current 54k balance would last six months.

Also, the current 54k already DOES have the raiders or whoever *already* getting their repair bills paid, so for those toons ... presumably the heaviest users ... it wouldn't be incremental.
I tried giving some of this gold back through very easy guild daily quests, but even though there was a lot of good feedback originally, hardly anyone actually participates.

And props to you on this, it was (is) a great idea with the guild daily quest. But totally gets at the logistical challenge ... if it's not built into the UI or an addon, it can be hard to remember or pull it off. Of course guild-paid-repairs may go the the other extreme, where repair bills become a tragedy of the commons issue where you don't even think about it and everyone's just living off the pool without maintaining it.

But, 54k (and growing) is a big pile.
And props to you on this, it was (is) a great idea with the guild daily quest. But totally gets at the logistical challenge ... if it's not built into the UI or an addon, it can be hard to remember or pull it off. Of course guild-paid-repairs may go the the other extreme, where repair bills become a tragedy of the commons issue where you don't even think about it and everyone's just living off the pool without maintaining it.

But, 54k (and growing) is a big pile.

Yeah, you've pretty much correctly identified all my concerns and have made valid points against them as well. Having a sustainable guild bank repair perk would definitely be attractive! However, I'm not going to lean one way or the other in this thread until it can be discussed with the other leaders and officers :D
Do we know how many accounts we have associated with Redeemed?

By my unofficial observation we have about 75 to 100 active accounts. Meaning, they log on weekly and play for some time.

Knowing not all accounts are create equal- that is still roughly 500 gold a toon?

That is not much in the bank.
To the extent anyone is having to spend game time grinding gold just to pay repair bills, when there is money just sitting in the bank ... that's missed opportunity cost. But I don't know if that's true. If you're doing dailies for rep, then gold is a side effect from that that should more than cover repairs. Shecks mentioned that some guildies were starting to cap out on exalted with all cata stuff, but I don't know how common that is. The advantage to the repairs is that it's pretty democratic (everyone gets a piece of the pie, pretty much regardless of what they do) ... but the flip side is that it makes for a kinda loopy fund flow ... gold goes from your toon's activities to the guild and then right back to you on "basic" stuff.

One could, then, argue that the guild bank funding repairs is equivalent to using taxes for social security/medicare/etc ... that it's a wealth transfer. It might be more circular than the government wealth transfer stuff ... e.g. the people generating gold for the guild are also probably the ones with the high repair bills, so it's not really a cross-subsidization thing, just a circular flow thing.

Two other ideas:

1) Use the existing balance plus future cash flow to make some other guild service "free" ... e.g. gems or enchants. Would be harder to set up, and would have to set the right limits on it to avoid potential abuse. But you'd have the advantage of minimizing cost since we coudl use guild gatherers and crafters to make it happen, and also ensuring that more guildies are appropriately gemmed/enchanted means better geared people for any sort of guild run. You might call this equivalent to the guild providing free health care, but in a good way. In this case, the mandatory tax/contribution is already in place, so we're just talking about providing an incremental benefit.

2) Use the existing balance for high-ticket-price purchases. Very nice BoEs do show up on the AH (e.g. right now, there's a Chelley's Staff of Dark Mending for 29k gold). The guild could purchase such items and then either raffle them off OR use to provide the highest bang-for-buck in raiding benefit. This is equivalent to building bridges or highways, maybe ... using the larger scale of the guild pool to fund individually unaffordable activities. Of course there's a tricky element to it ... not everyone would equal benefit, clearly. And using it for raiding, arguably, takes resources from non-raiding guildies and uses it on something they get no benefit from. But that's true with roads and bridges, too. One of the most solidarity-causing events in guild history, I'd argue, was getting Sazul his Thunderfury back in the day ... in that case, even though he got the main benefit from it, I think we all felt proud of it (or at least all of the raiding-ey folk did, back when 40-person raids pulled in everyone in the guild with a pulse who was online at the time).

Flame: thanks for pointing out that we're basically having an officer-chat subject in general chat :D. I hope you do see this as an "input" rather than a "force a decision" .
just do it

besides...arguing with gilga's mad logic and numbers skill is like...well...just dont do it

and just do it