

New Member
We are getting a lot of in-guild guides that are extremely helpful to those venturing into areas they have never gone before. Thanks, folks. It is a great idea.

Funny tho - I asked if we could do that or even just post sources for guides and got shot down and the post disappeared. I notice. I trust it is just silly little conspiracy theories buzzing my brain. It is still a good idea. But is this the only time something like this has been done?

Will you get serious with this post and pay attention to what is going on or will you shoot it down and then make it go away? If it were someone else, they might have left with bad feelings. Ultimately, I do not care nor do I hold it against anyone. However, even these small things might discourage others. Yep - I have trouble sometimes holding a line of thought and have some very challenging psycho/physical challenges going on. I write off "the disappearance of some of my controversial threads" because others with better, more level judgment watch over my postings. But I play the devil's advocate here to give us a warning to be gentle and very sensitive in the treatment of our guildies so that we can indeed be Christ-like all the time and not just when it suits our wants.

Always, in every way, keep pursuing the high mark of the calling of Christ Jesus. Be careful not to belittle others by action.

And please do not respond that no one is guilty of this - that is not the point of the post. It is just a warning - a heads up. It may hit a few toes so please do not yelp! Search your heart! And apply this to real life! This is not meant to drive a wedge and only will if you let it because you allow it to offend or to let self-justification over-ride what is I am trying to share! Listen to it!

I do not want to see another group leave because of difference of opinion. We need to respect even the least of us. I do not want a bad reflection on serving Christ as being an excuse to exclusion - driving others away from the true fellowship of believers, the church in general and ultimately becoming one of those who would be better off with a mill-stone tied to my neck and tossed in the sea. Those of us less salty in the Christian walk, less mature, are too many times pushed aside simply due to misunderstanding - or perhaps others lapse in their walk with Christ.

If we cannot handle the controversial issues of the game, will our candy coating of it make it a flavor we like instead of addressing the issue? Yes, there are those who could present this in a polished manner, but I must speak of an unavoidable concern that keeps popping up in front of me. It is more than my imagination.

As iron sharpens iron...there is some rust that needs filed away and the oil refreshed on the blade. I just wonder what you, the reader, will do with this. It is serious...
It is true that those of us who have played this game for several can sometimes feel impatience with those who are newer to it. It takes conscious effort to always be willing to give a smile and answer questions you've heard a dozen times or more. I also understand how difficult it can be to be on the other side. It's not easy to ask for help or to chime in when you might be newer to a group than others. But, we should all do our best.

This is a nice reminder to us all that we need to try to see things from both sides simultaneously as much as possible. I don't think anyone meant to be offensive or exclusive when addressing Sambeau's post searching for class guides and information resources and, indeed, it may have helped to spark interest in some of us to create such things, but it perhaps we didn't do a good enough job expressing that the needs and desires of each member of our guild are important to us all.

Doing what we do in the medium we do brings great difficulties to us. There are barriers of age, location, in-game experience, and of course the awkward communication of text on screen. I promise to do my part in trying to make a better conscious effort to be more clear in my good will and to always be as inclusive as possible with my in-game activities.
Sambeau you know we love you. I don't think it was shot down, just maybe disagreed on but never further discussed, then people started posting their specific class outlines because they felt the need to as people were asking questions. Then Goodwone organized the sticky to link all their posts there.

I think there is another side to this that people also miss....that these are huge forums with people posting every day. If a post gets burried don't take it as an act against you. The leaders do what they can to keep track of things. Not everyone is on these forums every day. There is a sensitivity to be met towards others of course but also try also not to be too sensitive when you know we never mean you harm.
In other news, Tots still stacks Agility for Resto
got to dodge the bads no?

but in all seriousness we are certainly not trying to discourage anyone from asking questions or presenting their ideas or anything of that nature. There will always be a bit of stubbed toes here and there since that is the nature of humans. We may be servants of Christ but we are far from perfect.

Also, this is the internet. You kind of have to develop a thick skin to it. I mean trade chat and forums are full of people who act differently in game than they would in real life face to face.

On a side note I've never been a supporter of just mass guides since usually most of it is copy/paste. I advocate your own research to better yourself as well as experimentation and open theorycrafting.
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On a side note I've never been a supporter of just mass guides since usually most of it is copy/paste. I advocate your own research to better yourself as well as experimentation and open theorycrafting.

I definitely feel you on this subject, but that's simply not an option for many due to various things, particularly time constraints. Besides, the majority of the research alot of folks do is reading guides =P

I think it's more important to make sure you read a guide with the right mindset, understanding that none of it is necessarily fact or law and it developed by another human, like yourself, with flaws and biases.
Just so you know - my concern is not me! I am good with what has happened concerning me. I know where I am and am glad for those who "watch" over me. However, whether it is an old grandad or whatever, I have developed a sensitivity for some things for the sake of others. (Read very carefully again.) Lets be careful in our treatment of others lest we fall into something we don't want.

I think the guides are a good idea and applaud Goodwone for helping organize them.

Yep - it was shot down in a vote. But that did not bother me. I was tossing around an idea. I just thought it would be good to also maintain a link of good internet sights concerning classes.

Bottom line - I am ok with what has happened. Maybe reread my ramblings slowly. It is not about me.
As far as posting outside guides, someone would have to do the research, find them, and vouche for them. If you suggest something, be willing to follow up and do the work yourself including testing, trying those guides. That is why I like the ones written by our players, and I try to keep up with them and post them on the sticky at the top of raid dicussion. No conspiracy, just busy and don't have time to check everything.

Also, if you write a guide, be sure to bring in to my attention somehow to sticky it as I may miss it.
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