

Slave to Christ.
So I was approached by the youth minister tonight, and he asked if I would be willing to start up a small group with the youth boys (I believe middle-high school). I've been helping with the youth for a while now, and told him I would. I can do the small group on anything I want.

I need a lot of prayer, as I don't have a clue what to do for the small group. I'm not sure how many of the boys will show up. I just need some serious guidance as to what I should do, and once I know what I should do, I need the words to speak and the wisdom to help these boys with whatever it is. So I'm lifting it up, and asking y'all if you can pray for me as well.

I've never been good in front of groups, but I've changed a lot in the last few months (went on a Missions trip and had my life flipped upside down =D ) and am ready to. Well, I'm not ready, but with God I am. :)

I also need guidance in other aspects of my life, but this post is about the small group.

Thanks y'all.

God Bless.
There's a saying I like "God doesn't send the equipped, he equips those He sends." If He's calling you to work with middle school boys, He will provide the guidance you need.

I worked with the middle school kids a lot in Scouts and in youth group. They are a lot of fun, but hard to get to pay attention. Remember their likes and their attention span is short. Have fun, but bring a message. If you try a standard Bible study like you would with older kids or adults you will loose them. It will be easier for you to judge the level of the kids, but usually keeping the message short, memorable and to the point is best.