games with magic


New Member
hi, my name is Jonesy, I'm a level 20 pally and I play Alliance on Icecrown... and being that this is a Christian WoW forum I was just wondering what you all think about games with magic in them... I've only been playing for a couple weeks and i'm really not sure if it's a good game or not... any input is appreciate, positive input encouraged.. thx :)
Love questions like this. Shows a real sensitivity. I can only speak on this from my own personal convictions so I do not expect everyone to agree but to me, whether it be books, movies, games, relationships, music or whatever I am doing, I am sensitive to the spirit of it. I believe there are very few things in and of themselves that are evil, more likely it has to do with what does a book, movie, game, or music promote? Is it promoting positive things like teamwork, good over evil, does it provide opportunity to reach out to others? I believe WoW in itself is not evil or wrong, it is just neutral but it can be used wrongly. Is it causing you to skip work or school because you are playing too long, are you noticing your level of greed increasing, what is your attitude like when you are playing with a group and things are not going well. I know your question has to do with the magic part but I do not feel that "magic" is anymore "evil" then a lightsabre or the "force". I think sometimes we need to be sensitive when it comes to things that Satan can use to twist our view of God. Magic is certainly one of them. We know, as Christians, that magic, as defined by the world, does not exist but we do know miracles do. What is the difference? Magic (or the "force") is an energy that exists outside of the acknowledgement of Jesus' name. I am not sure if I make any sense but hopefully it will give you something to think about.
wow man that helps me a lot... you see i just wasn't sure about the whole thing... so basically what you're saying is to limit myself and keep an eye on what it's doing to me spiritually? oh yeah and don't be greedy about it? and i totally understand what you're talking about... and it has given me something to think about... thankyou
As well, one thing that I would like to add, is that in the virtual world, there are only pixels. When I click the button, pixels light up and transfer. I do not view games as a world that I am in. I do realize that it is in a sense, a virtual world, but I do not physically exist in that world. This is where I draw a distinction. When I play as well, I will not do things that I have a problem with morally. If that means staying away from creating certain character classes in WOW, then I won't create them. You have your personal feelings, you should go with them. Be sensitive to God to know where the personal boundaries are, and stick with them. Again, myself, I do not see it as a real world, so there are some things, such as slaying another character, that I do not percieve as morally wrong. Be careful about taking things out of the virtual world and into the real world though, as I would have to disagree... there is blessing and curses, and I would actually go so far as to say "magic" in the sense that there is an evil force . (The devil) As far as I'm concerned, he has lots of control over the forces on the earth -- and don't forget, his job is to steal, kill, and destroy.... YOU. Being a Christian though, we are protected, so we don't have to worry about that. You hit the nail on the head in saying to keep an eye on what it's doing to you spiritually. You need to be mature enough to take the necessary steps to correct a problem though, should one arise.
[7F]Otter said:
As well, one thing that I would like to add, is that in the virtual world, there are only pixels. When I click the button, pixels light up and transfer. I do not view games as a world that I am in. I do realize that it is in a sense, a virtual world, but I do not physically exist in that world. This is where I draw a distinction. When I play as well, I will not do things that I have a problem with morally. If that means staying away from creating certain character classes in WOW, then I won't create them. You have your personal feelings, you should go with them. Be sensitive to God to know where the personal boundaries are, and stick with them. Again, myself, I do not see it as a real world, so there are some things, such as slaying another character, that I do not percieve as morally wrong. Be careful about taking things out of the virtual world and into the real world though, as I would have to disagree... there is blessing and curses, and I would actually go so far as to say "magic" in the sense that there is an evil force . (The devil) As far as I'm concerned, he has lots of control over the forces on the earth -- and don't forget, his job is to steal, kill, and destroy.... YOU. Being a Christian though, we are protected, so we don't have to worry about that. You hit the nail on the head in saying to keep an eye on what it's doing to you spiritually. You need to be mature enough to take the necessary steps to correct a problem though, should one arise.

I completely agree, with you [7F]Otter.
so what do u guys think about paladins in WoW?? are they a moral character? i noticed Hawk is one so that's why I'm asking... and also.. just to clarify.. u guys don't think there's any harm in playing WoW as long as i make sure i'm not getting carried away right?
"so what do u guys think about paladins in WoW?? are they a moral character?" --- coolguy25

I don't think they are 'moral'... not that they are immoral, but rather that they are amoral (not having any moral substance to them... like a rock)

I really think that the game in itself is also amoral, being a 'mage' does not mean that you are partaking in witchcraft... If it were City of Heroes, you still would have a 'mage class' its just called something else (I think its a 'blaster')... but its still the EXACT SAME thing, an 'out of the ordinary ranged damage power'... I may sound like I am splitting hairs or being silly, but if it makes you feel better, don't think magic, think 'powers'. After all, Merlin is bad but Superman is okay, right? ;)

Actually in all seriousness I am totally serious on that one... many Christians have no problem with Spider-man or the Hulk,, or even Cyclops, but they have problems with Gandalf & Merlin.

I don't really think there is much harm in playing WoW at all, I am using my WoW time constructively to build relationships and to hopefully bring some of my friends with me to the Lamb's wedding party :D
On the other hand, it is also wise to ask God what he thinks.. He may have His reasons for wanting or not wanting you to play. (When I started playing WoW I was a little learry cuz I had had some spiritual problems as a result of taking WarcraftIII a little too far... but I prayed and asked the Lord, because I felt that He actually WANTED me to play WoW.. I also went out of my way to seek the advice of those wiser than me... particularly those who didn't really care about video games, so as to not get a 'of course play WoW cuz its so cool' answer)

Really in my opinion the thing to watch for is the new age... WoW contains a LOT of information (from quest givers and such) about new age religions such as Shamanism and Druidism, particularly for druids and shamans, but it also sneaks in on any night elf or tauren player, even with orcs... Blizzard seems to LOVE its pantheistic new age religions, and they ARE plugging them. Don't just IGNORE it.. be aware of it when it happens, and make a point to discard the information, otherwise it MAY creap into your thinking habits... (I play a druid myself, and I am constantly told that the spirits of the trees are a better path to God than the one I am on.. I don't believe it for a second.)

I think that that is WAY more of an issue than a "Seal of Command" or a "Holy Light" spell... or even a "Fireball" or "Frost Nova".

As to the morality of classes, I think that a druid is 'eviller' than a warlock, even... and we even have warlocks in our guild, because God can forgive even them :) I personally do not play warlocks, but that is MY issue.. I have no problem with running around with Deedlyt. The power of God shows through that particular warlock MUCH more powerfully than the power of shadowfire :) And that's what really matters, the fact that people can see God in us, and not whether or not it is immoral to throw a bunch or red pixelly data at a blob of green pixelly data... :)

God bless, I hope I've been more helpful than just rambley :)
yeah man any input at all helps... i guess what i'm really looking for is to show that i'm a good person and a Christian and to show God that i can handle a game like WoW without taking in the whole magic thing... so how do you guys share God with WoW players? i know some are nice but man, some can be brutally mean... oh and btw i could also use some rememberance in prayer on the issue of being different from unbelievers and sharing God with them... please?
Wow, these are great questions. How do we distinguish ourselves in a game where on the surface everyone is social (which somehow means nice or good), generating this perception of a "good" person. It is really quite simple ...

John 13:34-35

34"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

So how does this translate to WoW? You already said that ppl can be mean, you'll find that in the end game, greed is rampant; guilds split, long time friends spew hatred towards each other, read the WoW forums, they are quite depressing.

I firmly believe we have every opportunity to show our love by how we treat each other and others outside our guild. Whether it be when we have been wiped several times in an instance, or a uber drop falls and you honor the loot rules or talk about it instead of ninja'ing it first.

In all things, putting others before you consistently. It is much easier said then done. This game will give you many opportunities to do the right thing and all we have to do is be prepared to show love especially when things are not going well.

Ask for forgiveness ...

Wow, here is a concept, seek forgiveness, humble yourself when you screw up. Take steps to reconcile with others that you have offended, whether it be rolling on something you shouldn't have, leaving an instance in a tiff or whatever.

Psalm 18:27
You save the humble but bring low those whose eyes are haughty.

Proverbs 6:2-4
2 if you have been trapped by what you said, ensnared by the words of your mouth, 3then do this, my son, to free yourself, since you have fallen into your neighbor's hands: Go and humble yourself; press your plea with your neighbor! 4Allow no sleep to your eyes, no slumber to your eyelids.

1 Peter 3:8
Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.

Look for opportunities to develop relationships with ppl. Involve yourself in their lives. Be real, I have found ppl are willing to open up to you if you are genuine and caring. Help others out, do not let yourself be drawn into ppl's anger or hatred towards others.

Be generous ...

2 Corinthians 8:7
But just as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us[a]—see that you also excel in this grace of giving.

If you want to open doorways, help others out, give of your time or resources especially in the end game where, as I said, greed is everywhere, it dominates. The grace of giving will triumph over greed. I believe it is where we have the biggest opportunity to shine our light.

If you managed to actually read my entire rant, hopefully you'll notice the similarity between how you should act in game and in real life too! Being a Christian is the same whether you are gaming or shooting the breeze.
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sounds good.... thanks everyone :) so do you guys think that overall this game is worth playing?
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I have never run across a game that has as much opportunity for reaching out to others as this one does, and I feel that it reaches out to a demographic that not many other ministries touch: the Gamer Community...

Although I am not arguing that Counter-Strike doesn't allow you to reach the same audience, I feel that WoW, with its much slower gaming pace, allows you to make closer friends in less time. I also feel that WoW, like CS, allows us to reach a segment of the population that may never otherwise get past the 'Christians are judgemental freaks' mindset. But I do believe that a person who has SEEN 1) a Christian not judging him on his particular character choice, 2) a Christian helping her non-judgementally after a botched dungeon room, 3) a Christian gladly handing over a rare item without strings attached, even though you BOTH need it, 4) a Christian not covering their own butt after a screw-up, but rather apologizing to the others in the party for his or her own shortcomings, 5) this list will get really big if I keep going... Play Christ-like! don't get into petty squabbles about whether Christ would play WoW or not, ask yourself, "Okay, if Jesus Himself was in my guild, what would He do?"... I can tell you that I FIRMLY believe He would make an effort to meet that people where they are at...

I try to hold to the following principles when playing WoW...
1) Jesus is LORD of Teranus (or any other server): God doesn't care about WHERE you sin, if you are sinning, He still knows... the same goes for the flip side! If Kimohami290483, night elf rogue, comes to know Jesus as her Lord & Savior, there is JUST as big a party in heaven as if you did it the 'normal way'.. You don't even need to know who she is... Jesus does.
2) There are PEOPLE behind the toons... NO ONE is an NPC, except the NPCs of course. Treat your party mates as if they are people, with feelings, issues, and fears.. They can have bad days, good days, and they DO get tired after a while.
3) Life Trumps WoW... If something comes up in real life that causes a bit of a cramp in your plans (Like you are half-way thru BFD and a family emergency happens or work calls, or your wife really needs you), don't sweat it.. SO WHAT if your healer had to leave.. Her family is MUCH MORE important. Oh, and squelch the bad-mouthers in your party :)
4) Make the most of every opportunity. I'm not talking be a Bible-thumper, throwing the Word down everyone's throats every time you can.. I'm saying never miss an opportunity to show God's Love... pray for people, help them when they need it, give them support when they are depressed, or upset, or feel cheated.. they will eventually grow to respect you, or even call you friend.
5) Constantly pray that they will come to know Jesus... and constantly be asking God how and when to share Him with them. He HAS got a plan for them.. He WILL work it out, and if you work with Him, you will get front-row tickets to the most awesome show under heaven -- seeing God bring another soul into His Loving arms :) :) :)