Games & IM Questions

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I just had a couple of questions regarding ToJ.

First, which IM program is the 'preferred' progam for ToJ? Which one should I use if I want to get the most out of ToJ?

Second, how do we find out what other games are played by ToJ members if they are not listed as chapters on the main ToJ page? For instance, I like to play Dungeon Siege and I'm sure others do to, but I don't see it mentioned anywhere. How would I hook up with other players? It seems that online games other than those listed as chapters are being played because I saw mention of Diablo 2 and Warcraft II in one of the announcements.

Third, which of the chapters has the most activity? If I don't own any first-person shooters and I was going to get one, I'd want to get the one that offered me the best opportunity to play with other ToJ members. Which game would that be?

Finally, how do you handle new releases? For instance, HL2 and Doom 3 are going to be coming out soon. How do you find out who else in ToJ may be getting those games and may want to start playing immediately?

Whew! Sorry for all the questions, but I didn't this information mentioned anywhere on the site.

- Adino
ToJ uses all 4 IM programs and i dont think there is a set one. Though most people i recall use AIM or ICQ. However it is probably a good idea to get Trillian which can run all 4 simultaneously. Personally i just use MSN now...

The way to find out who plays a game is to post in here and see what response you get. Leave your email or a point of contact and im sure all the players will come out of the woodwork..

I reckon the Counterstrike chapter has the most activity due to us owning our own server. However if you buy Halflife then you need a good cable connection to download the masses of mods and patches to get CS running smoothly.

When a new game comes out and there is a great deal of interest, its up to Tek and the council to decide if there is to be a chapter formed. Of course if thats to happen it would need people to lead the chapter.. which is something we are always short of..
some ppl do play Diablo II those topics can be taken to the warcraftiii forum because that is where I a former player and some current players post
Err, I thought my Newbie info article covered all of that. Thanks for the questions there Adino, I'm off to pester tek about making some revisions.
I read the newbie article and it was quite good. However, it doesn't really indicated how to go about finding players to games that are not specifically mentioned (ie, Dungeon Siege). The games that are mentioned are covered quite well.

As far as the IM details, all of the programs are mentioned, but there is really no indication as to which is easiest to use, which one is used by the majority of ToJ members, or which one offers the most features. For a true newbie (me), stuff like that would be very useful. I haven't used ICQ in a long time (5+ years?) and I've never used any of the other IM programs mentioned, so I'm quite clueless.

One more question: has anyone given thought to creating chapters for the various consoles (Xbox & PS2) that can be played online? I have an Xbox and have been considering getting Live!, but I would like to know if anyone else in ToJ plays there.

Anyhow, thanks for helping me out! Your responses were great!

- Adino
best thing to do about those i just post on the CGA forums and the ToJ forums about seeing who plays those and intrest in them
Ah yes, it was tailored to games for which we have chapters. For everything else a post on the forums is what you'll need to do to find people.
All excellent questions, Adino. I'll write more "official" answers at a later time, but for now, I'll just wing it.

AIM is, unfortunately, the most common instant messaging network among Tribe of Judah members. I say "unfortunately" because AIM does not support offline messages--ICQ and Yahoo do. I don't care for MSN myself as it always seems to randomly disconnect (when connecting through Trillian) and I don't care for any software that's embedded in my operating system like some sort of parasite. Just freaks me out. My personal favorite is ICQ, but I wouldn't use the standard ICQ client unless I was paid a hefty salary to do so. The last version I used was a horrible example of bloatware (and proof that AOL corrupts everything it touches).

So, for IM programs, I suggest downloading and installing Trillian Basic (or Pro, if you can spare the funds), creating IDs on the AIM and ICQ networks, and using Trillian for all your IM needs. The Trillian web site is at

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]One more question: has anyone given thought to creating chapters for the various consoles (Xbox & PS2) that can be played online? I have an Xbox and have been considering getting Live!, but I would like to know if anyone else in ToJ plays there.

As soon as Tribe of Judah members volunteer to lead and support console gaming divisions, we will begin work on creating and establishing such divisions. So far, there's been some interest, but no one's offered to head it up. As much as I'd love to see well-established console gaming divisions as soon as early next year, my plate's already quite full just with current projects. >_<

As for games for which we do not have chapters, there are two scenarios: (1) The game's content is not too offensive and there is enough interest in the game that we can reasonably form and help a new chapter for that game thrive. (2) The game's content is either too controversial and/or offensive or there is not enough interest to justify the work of founding a separate chapter for that game. I actually suggested founding a DungeonSiege chapter before but there was not enough interest to appoint dedicated staff and get 'er goin'.

I've enjoyed many games that simply don't have the popularity to make it as a ToJ chapter: Natural Selection, Descent 3, Giants: Citizen Kabuto, and Strifeshadow are all good examples. Even our Neverwinter Nights chapter never took off, and our Quake III chapter is, sadly enough, inactive.

In a situation such as this, it's best to post to the CGA or ToJ general discussion forums and round up some players to add to your IM contact lists.

Of course, we're always looking for suggestions for new chapters but will no longer form chapters without a staff in place. There's a great deal of work that goes into forming a new chapter and it's simply not worth it unless there's a very good chance, if not a guarantee, that the chapter will grow and thrive.

I hope this answers a few more of your questions.

Oh, and Que: As for the NMIA, that's your baby now. Send me and Plankeye any revisions and we'll post it to the site. I'll help, of course, but my next Big Thing™ is the Sponsor Information Package project. *takes a deep breath*