Gamer and a Pastor saying hello

Bartimaeus Sees

New Member
Greetings in the Name which above every name, our Lord Jesus Christ.

My name is Richard, and I am guild co-leader of Heaven's Royal Knights, a guild wars guild. We have been playing GW since day -50 and recently left our alliance with a Dev guild because of the issue of language. We wanted alliance chat to remain clean, their kids didn't seem to think that was needed.


When I found out you folks were full, we formed our own alliance. Though we are established at this point, we would certainly love to extend the olive branch and right hand of Christian fellowship.

I am a pastor serving in Missouri. I have been in youth/music/and now pastoral ministry for 19 years. My co-leader is a very strong Christian - he formed United Clan Killers 6 years ago as a first person shooter guild with the idea that we can play games without all the profanity.

We were voted the #1 most respected Admins by Team Warfare League back in the day.

When guild wars came out, we went with it and formed HRK. UcK is dormant at the present time.

We have over 70 members - the majority of whom are Christians. The rest at least respect what we believe and I believe are being witnessed to daily by our consistent Godly example. We have several in various ministry positions in our midst.

If you decide you want to visit, get together and do a ministry event, or whatever, don't hesitate to PM me. Add me to your friend's list, or what have you. I would love to have a group of Christians to PvP Scrimm with - we are not actively pvping at this time, though we have some folk that have been great at it in previous guilds. I have all skills/items unlocked and slots available as well.

Bartimaeus Sees - Ritualist
Cain's Mistake - Assassin
Repentance Demanded - Fire Ele
Death Aint the End - Necro/MM
Piercing the Marrow - Ranger
Dorcas Raised - Dervish
Varsithian the Just - Warrior
Colossal Uprising - Mesmer
Colossal Revival - Ranger - Survivor lvl 2
Minshadin VAst - Monk
<waves from a distance>

I am not in GW. I am currently a guild of one in an unnamed beta but weclome to the forums and I hope you and your guild find peace and grace.
Hey HrK! Glad to see you guys show up on here. I have talked to you in-game a couple days ago and its great to see you in here.

maybe if a mod would be so kind as to maybe move this into the GW forum there might be some more replies and welcomes. Thanks ;)
College of the Ozarks. Its in the Branson/Hollister Area.

Used to spend a lot of time in Sedalia before I moved...