friend in a home going to peices


Christian Gamers Alliance Amazon Store Manager
Staff member
i met this girl bout a year ago at a church camp but she isnt able to get to youth group that often (the county is pretty close range so the main towns are close but sometimes hard to get to) and so she hasnt come for a while. i talk to her every now n then. i talked to her and things are not going that great. and i know this isnt just for attention for other people, she doesnt work like that. anyways, her father gets in non-friendly moods (currently in counseling), and the grandmother living with them now has cancer, and her sister may have some health issues related to track.... please keep sam in your prayers.
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I will pray for her, my heart goes out to her, I grew up with an alcoholic and physically abusive father and can just imagine what she is going through. I will pray for Sam, that she will turn to God for answers that she will lean on our Lord for guidance.
I do believe in the verse "cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you" 1Peter 5:7 NIV.
A prayer in deed is needed. The Lord Jesus Christ can heal anything. We keep her in mind adn in prayer
I will count it a joy to pray for her, Atown. I cannot imagine such burdens on such a young girl. I hate to hear you have suffered such, Red. Yet, you are a shining testimony of what a life can be with Jesus. Atown, having someone to love, care, and just listen, probably mean more to her than you will ever know this side of Heaven. God bless you for your friendship, I feel sure you are a Godsend to her.
i gave her the link to this post and she said that she greatly appreciates everyones prayers and believes they are working. and i thank you on my behalf for taking the time to look at this and pray.