Free Discipleship Training Camp


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Christian School is so hard to pay for these days, there is very NO government money to support you, so parents or school loans are the only way to do it.

If there was a discipleship course that offered free admittion(or work assistance) where you learn pastoral care as you are working(to help pay for the costs of the school) How many of you would take advantage of this?

The school would train you to be a pastor, or major in Buisness start-ups. Primary goals would be in church plants and missions. Lets give some opinions
well, I know there are a number of ways to becoming a minister, that depend entirely upon your denomination.

Assembly of God uses a mail -order course system, and then you take exams in front of a body to get certified then ordained.

The Salvation Army makes all of it's pastors go through a two-year training school (there's one in each of it's terroritories).  So the first two years of your employment (for lack of a better word) is training.

Then some non-denominational churches offer pretty much on-the-job training, by making the person a youth or assistant pastor, and then promoting up from there (the AoG does this as well)

But anyways, you talk about Pastoral Care or Business start-ups, have you decided exactly what these courses of study would entail?  Which denomination would you be attempting to become ordained through?  Would you focus on Biblical understanding,  teachings, Counciling? or Business?  Remember all four(theology, education, socialogy/psychology, businness/management) are 4 year degree programs in and of themselves that pastors have to have a firm grasp of.  Then you run into such things as some denomination's theology run counter to others.

There are a number of pitfalls that would need to be navigated to get this sort of concept up and running.
How many out there WANT to be pastors but have not had an opportunity to take advantage of it. Many people have family to support, or just do not have the mentours in place to guide them in the steps needed to do so.

A school that would take anyone in and start training them off the street. yes there are 4 year courses that deal with each specialization. But you could learn while you are working, a buisness course would best be learned if the person was opporating there very own buisness. 1 person who knows how to run a buisness, do taxes, payroll ect ect ect could mentour 10 people who are owning a buisness. That 1 person could spend 1 day every 2 weeks with that person helping them with things they get stuck on. More help would be needed at first, and less as they go on with it.

Pastoral care and church planting could be done the same way. Start with a small house church of 5-10 people, the pastor learns to take care of those 5-10 people, and then build a church out of those small groups.

If people are willing, follow threw would be easy. All it takes is a willing person to learn