Family friend Passed


Slave to Christ.
Hey y'all...

A family friend passed away today. I've known him my entire life, he and his wife were friends with my parents long before I was born. His wife OD about 8 or 9 years ago. His daughter is a single mother, who has 2 girls, both with different issues (one has Turrets syndrome, the other has some mental disability *they're still trying to figure out what it is*) and she has been going through a lot lately. She has been having a very hard time, and now her dad passed away. Her older daughter (the one with turrets) was very close to him.

Please keep them in your prayers. Also keep my family in your prayers, this is tough on us as well... It really hurts to see them in such pain, and my dad passed 5 years ago so it hits very close to home.

Their names are Trinity (his daughter) Chandler, and Mia. His name was Randy.

Please keep us all in your prayers. Thanks.
How is everyone doing with this situation? Can they at least see the light a the end?