Factions character names


Legacy of Elijah Officer
I think my least favorite part of online games is coming up with my character names. Most of my characters (except Loew) are based on family members names. Loew was an author's name of one of my engineering books on the shelf behind my desk and Krug is a reference to Dungeon Siege.

I'm not sure what I'm going to come up with for my 2 new character slots for Factions, but I need to come up with the names by Thursday so that I can get both characters through the "Day of the Tengu" event with a Tengu mask.

I would like to have one primary Assassin and Ritualist even though I'm sure they will be VERY common for a while just becaue they are new and because I already have a character of each class started on one of my accounts. I am assuming that Factions will be like the original in that I don't need to commit to a secondary right away.

My Assasin will most likely be male so that I can dance "The Robot" :D

My Ritualist may be female, but I'm not 100% decided.

Does anyone have any name suggestions for my characters? I am thinking about more obscure Chronicles of Narnia names as a possibility, but want other options if someone has something good :).

Also, feel free to post your new character names and discuss as well. I promise I won't take them if I see them here first.
Well, I will probably name my female ritualist "Adraea Ellemir", after my screenie/character at Fans for Christ's D&D site. Or "Adraea Silverwind", since that is her house. Or "Adraea Linnaemir", since that is my D&D character there.

Well, here's "my" full name:
Her Honor Adraea Ellemir, Marquessa of the House of Silvermind, High Mage of the Alliance of Argent Thaumaturgists (meaning second-in-command of the mage's guild). Any suggestions?
MaidMirawyn said:
Well, here's "my" full name:
Her Honor Adraea Ellemir, Marquessa of the House of Silvermind, High Mage of the Alliance of Argent Thaumaturgists (meaning second-in-command of the mage's guild). Any suggestions?

I have a suggestion. Tell your GM he's nuts for allowing you to START the game with that kind of title and prestige. I mean, where the heck are you going to go from there?

I like to come up with character names AFTER I've created them and seen them on the screen. Sometimes I'll have one in mind beforehand, but when I see what the character looks like I'll think, "no, that doesn't work at all." Often I have to leave the character up on the screen for a good 15 minutes or so before the right name finally dawns on me.

If you would rather stick with more practical names where it would be easy for us to recognize you Derk, you might try to include a word from your current character names (Loew - Krug - Owen - Restless - Derk - Black) or some variation on it. I had fun coming up with a few based on your current character names:

Kred the Viper (Assassin)
Sselt Ser (Ritualist)
Gurk the Zaishen (Warrior)
Black Wail (Necro)
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dorkelf said:
I have a suggestion. Tell your GM he's nuts for allowing you to START the game with that kind of title and prestige. I mean, where the heck are you going to go from there?
Oh, my roleplaying character is a simple adventuring half-elven sorceress (5' 4", 100 lbs or so, no armor). She's level three, but doesn't have any magic items.

Those are "my" titles on the site. Those of us who do the playtesting and put in the hard work of getting it started are granted titles. Everyone else will have to earn the titles over time; we earn ours by putting up with and helping find/fix the glitches. :D
I was thinking about what to name my new characters, i wanted to put Sleeping in my assassin name but I havent come up with anything good yet...
Any suggestions?
slalomdms said:
I was thinking about what to name my new characters, i wanted to put Sleeping in my assassin name but I havent come up with anything good yet...
Any suggestions?

Sleeping Agent (AKA, a "sleeper" spy)
Sleeping Pill (AKA, you make people go night-night)
Slee Ping
I created my assassin early this morning. His name is Loew Shikaku. I came up with Shikaku by entering assassin into an English to Japanese online dictionary.
dorkelf said:
Sleeping Agent (AKA, a "sleeper" spy)
Sleeping Pill (AKA, you make people go night-night)
Slee Ping
Why have you helped with names for everyone but your own wife?

Anyway, I named my character "Adraea Silverwind." Look for "me" in Cantha... ;)
dorkelf said:
Sleeping Agent (AKA, a "sleeper" spy)
Sleeping Pill (AKA, you make people go night-night)
Slee Ping

Those are some good ideas I like the Sleeping Pill and Sleeping Agent. I might use Sleeping Pill (Still would have the same initals SP :D ).
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