Everything must go..


New Member
The time has come for this Sorcerer to lay his staff aside for good. I've loved being in this guild, but the game simply cannot hold my attention for more than a half hour at a time. Instead of getting ready for a fun experience in an online game, I feel only work ahead of me.

The Sorcerer class is also getting ruined with every patch, and I fear that soon we will no longer have any power at all. Although I was never able to attain level 50 and finish Golgaros' story, I'm still very thankful for everyone who appreciated my stories and roleplaying spirit.

Many friends have come and gone. I especially miss Yigowin and Chivah, and I do not think I can function without them (no offense to anyone else).

Tomorrow evening I will be giving away all of my money and seals to anyone who is willing to take them.

If anyone wants to keep in touch, my new email address is Moonstone_Skeith@hotmail.com.

Thank you very much for fellowship, friendship, and adventure.

--John "Dante" Tapley
hey just cuz you are retiring from DoAC does not mean you have to leave the community, you can always hang out and post and possible write more story for your guy or get involved with other parts of ToJ.

GG though dude you have more patience than I, I can not even start to play an MMORPG right now
I am sorry to see you depart like this Golgaros, I had fun grouping with you and helping you along. I hope we will meet again someday and i hope that you stay active in the forums
God Bless
We will miss ya bro
please try to stick around the forums some.

In my opinion the sorcerer class is one the the best classes Albion has, if not one of the best classes in the game. If you had the pleasure of taking one on you would know what I am talking about (hints to Odale)