Eternal Struggle


Active Member
In honor of current events at my house I penned this little dodad this morning about 3 hours after the concept was first conceived. I call it Eternal Struggle (because that is what it feels like to me) or Chemical Warfare (because that is what it is).

Eternal Struggle
Chemical Warfare

"Forward, men!" 1247 shouted encouragement to his men, "the waterfall is just over the next rise." He stopped to survey the long column advancing past him and down the hillside. They were good men, some of the best he had ever worked with. 1330 dropped out of line as he came to where 1247 stood.

"You think the scouts got it right?" 1330 was glancing around nervously. "We are a bit further out from the compound than I thought we would venture. If something happens out here..."

"They got it right." 1247 scowled. He didn't mention to 1330 about how the 247th was wiped out by chemical weapons just the other day. The enemy was becoming more ruthless, more desperate. "We need water..." Original reports had spoken of an unimaginable supply of clean water flowing over a falls. It sounded almost too good to be true. He waited another couple minutes watching his men until one came rushing toward them.

"Sir!" The messenger struggled to catch his breath before giving the formal greeting. "The Queen be blessed."

"And all her children," 1247 gave the formal answer. "Report!"

"We reached the falls!"


"It appears they have stopped flowing. There appears to be a recent blockage upstream." The messenger pointed at some men just coming up behind him carrying bundles of water with them. "We've begun collecting what remnants we could find and I have men examining the blockage. Initial reports are not favorable."

"Thank you, soldier." 1247 allowed the messenger to head back before he took off at top speed over the edge of the hill with 1330 struggling to keep up. They would have to find a way to unblock the falls if their troop was to survive. As he dropped over the edge he caught a glimpse of the falls in the distance with his line of men streaming to and from it. He pulled up slightly and dropped to one side of the line so he could better survey the situation.

He sensed the danger a split-second before he heard the whooshing of air and chemical rain poured down on his line of men. Noxious fumes filled the air as he desperately raced away from the burning drops feeling it scalding his legs and back. His men choked and gagged behind him trapped directly in the line of fire. Then, as quickly as it had started, the assault was over. He stopped and looked back at the scene of wanton destruction behind him. The entire column had been ravaged by the chemical weapon. He ignored the pain in his body as he ran back to the bodies of his fallen comrades. 1330 lay near the outside of the line and was wheezing. His legs were unusable and he was not long for this world.

"1330!" 1247 stooped down to lift his friend. "C'mon, let's get you out of here!"

1330 shook his head weakly, attempted to say something and then collapsed. 1247 grabbed his body and began to stagger away from the line of death, stopping briefly to look to the sky, "Curse you! Curse you and your chemical weapons!"


"Lousy ants," muttered Ben, "get out of MY house!" He lowered the can of ant spray and leaned over the tub to examine the dotted line coming from the window. Most of the ants were no longer moving. Satisfied, he was in the process of turning around when he noticed an imperceptibly larger ant to one side of the line struggling to carry one of its fallen comrades upward to the window. "How touching...," Ben exclaimed raising his hand, "HOW FUTILE!" His finger mashed down on lone survivor. "DIEEEE!"

It's pretty much a yearly battle between me and the ants. Unfortunately, it feels like they are winning this year. We are assaulted on three sides with very little results from my efforts. We're moving out in a month so hopefully we can leave these mute warriors to the next tenants.
The saga continues. . .

Part II: Legend of the Pink Pillar

"And he said he would fight the lion." 4489 laughed as he walked in the long column of troops.

"What?" 2056 was wide-eyed with fright.

"Yeah, I never seen anyone so crazy. He jumped straight into the cone around the den and yelled for the lion to come out and face him."

"I don't believe you. No one would do that." 2056 glanced at several other soldiers in the line for confirmation. They nodded and smiled in return.

"Well he did," said 4489 then he added, "Of course, we didn't realize until afterward that he already knew the lion was gone."


2056 jumped. "What was that?"

"What was what?" 4489 was busy kicking a rock down the path.


"That!" 2056 looked around nervously. "That noise!"

"Heh, maybe it's the legendary Pink Pillar," scoffed 4489, "you remember the stories we were told about that as children, don't you?"


When 2056 didn't respond, 4489 looked back. "Why don't you grow u..?"

In the place where 2056 had been now stood an enormous pink pillar. 4489's eyes went wide as he realized everything that had been rumored about such a phenomenon was true. As he drank in the sight of the majestic column, it slowly began to lift. Underneath the tip he recognized 2056's crushed and mangled body as it partially stuck to the rising pillar before peeling off and dropping heavily to the ground. The pillar rose until it disappeared beyond the range of his vision. Then suddenly it crashed down on another soldier several lengths back in the line.


"RUN!" 4489 screamed as he raced away from the pillar. The troops scattered in all directions.

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Three more crushed bodies lay on the ground.

"It doesn't miss!" Thought 4489. He glanced to his side and saw 5734 running next to him.

BOOM! BOOM! Two more would never move again.

"Someone has to stop this thing!" 4489 shouted to 5734.

"Be my gues..." BOOM! 5734 disappeared under the pink pillar.

Without stopping to think, 4489 jumped on the pillar and began to climb. It rose into the air, the ground disappearing far below. He was surprised to find that the pillar had a soft outer coating with many handholds. He climbed higher up the pillar, hoping to find something to disable it.


The pillar had struck the ground again; another life extinguished. 4489 nearly slipped with the force of the blow but managed to hold on. Regaining his grip he climbed higher. He entered a forest of black, leafless trees. As he dodged left and right around the trees suddenly a pink pillar crushed down where he had just been.

"How could this be?!" He thought. "The pillar has a pillar to protect itself? It's just not fair!"

Up and down, left and right he dodged as the pillar crashed down again and again. He was just beginning to think he might make it when the pillar crashed down on him crushing his body and legs. Only the soft outer coating of the pillar preserved his life as he sank into it. He could go no further, his body was destroyed. He would have to make his attempt here. He gripped the soft, pink coating and tried to rip it apart. The softness of the coating was deceptive and it held despite his best efforts to tear it. The pillar lifted from his back and he knew that it was now or never. He sank his teeth into the coating and jerked his head back.


"Ow!" Exclaimed Ben. "Stupid ant!" He pinched the offending ant from his arm and rolled the tiny body between his fingers before dropping it to the floor. He then turned his attention back to the floor and examined it for any survivors. Finding one he quickly crushed it beneath his finger. After observing for several minutes to ensure that no more were coming in for the time being, he stood and walked from the room.
Thank you for your comment. These stories are spawned from the seeming futility of our efforts. I must do something, so I write.

The war continues. . .the ants launched a new offensive last night on our bedroom and the kitchen (they still hold the garage despite continued pressure to leave). This was annoying after the first day. Now after a week of fighting its become rather tiring. But we will never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense; never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in the kitchen, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the bathroom, we shall defend our home, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight in the bedrooms, we shall fight on the counter tops, we shall fight in the garage and in the living room, we shall fight in the yard; we shall never surrender!

Man, I love Churchill's speeches (note that a bit of artistic license was used to tweak and combine the speeches above). I think a big part of the impact is his voice as he says them. So imagine Churchill quoting the speech above and you will see it as I see it. =)

Part III: Chow Time

"This line hasn't moved in the last 20 minutes!" 6709 moaned as he stood on his tiptoes and tried to peer over the head of the soldier in front of him. "All the food will be gone by the time we get to the front!"

"Relax. We'll be there before you know it," mumbled 8534 as he ignored the low growl from his stomach. He glanced behind them to see the line stretching back as far as the eye could see.

In the distance ahead they could see the shimmering white structure of the mess hall with its grand entryways. It was rumored to have a never ending vat of food and 6709 couldn't wait to verify that for himself. "Oh c'mon. It'll be just like the dinner yesterday. We'll get there just as they are cleaning up the bones. . ." His voice trailed off as a cheer went up behind them and he watched several soldiers run from the line. He grabbed one of the running soldiers, "hey! What's going on?"

The soldier jerked from his grasp and called back over his shoulder, "they just opened up a new mess hall!"

6709 shot a glance at 8534 and they tore after the soldier. Around a bend in the trail stood a brand new structure. It was the same design as the other mess hall with its white-washed walls and large, arched doorways. Soldiers were pouring into the building at an astounding rate and a new line was already forming. 6709 pulled 8534 into the line behind them. As short as the line was, he expected to only wait for another couple minutes before they would be able to venture inside. He could smell the wonderful aroma of the food drifting out. A couple soldiers rushed from the mess hall carrying armfuls of food. "Hey! HEY!" 6709 pointed at the two soldiers, "save some for the rest of us!"

"Back in line, runt!" A large sergeant shoved 6709 into 8534, "they're taking it to the queen. Now wait your turn and stop whining!"

"Sure they are. . ." 6709 muttered under his breath as the large sergeant ran off to take care of a couple line cutters.

Before long 6709 and 8534 were jogging through one of the graceful archways and up a short ramp. They stood overlooking the largest vat of food either had ever seen. Soldiers were practically swimming in the food as they gorged their bellies. The smell was overpowering and they wasted no time eating their fill of the nourishing food. As they walked to the door they were each handed an armful of the food by a somber-faced guard.

"Take it back to headquarters," he motioned toward the exit, "Double-Time!"

They scurried out the door and made for their base, clutching the precious food in their arms.


"Eat up boys," exclaimed Ben placing another poison bait trap along the long line of ants, "there's plenty to go around."
I really enjoyed reading your work and I think you should write more yep I sure do! Maybe do the sticky thingy on Tek's challenge and write a lot more! Anyways Thanxs for emptying your work here! Fyi when you figure out how to impose a voice like it's wavering syllables within proper English writing just like Churchill spoke or other great speakers as he please fill me in!
Thank you for your kind words.

We just surrendered the house to the ants. Moving day was yesterday, computer is done. . .now to set up the rest of the place.
So we escaped the ants. . .

But picked up a mouse in the car. He managed to disable the radio before he was sent to the great hereafter. Lousy rodent. Now I'm busy dealing with gnats in the apartment. I've killed over 20 in the past week but there always seems to be one or two flying around the kitchen. This goes on much longer and I may end up penning Part 4: The Great Clapper. . .