EPGP...I am trying to keep up with it in game


New Member
I understand the basics of this - for effort and accomplishment in a raid you are awarded EP then item GP is "awarded" for receiving the item - and agree with the use of it. The move to this system was a wise choice.

However, I am wondering how I can keep track of my own EPGP in game. FuBar has an addon to help keep up with it, but you have to have EPGP installed for it to work. I know the numbers are posted in the notes of the guild panel, but I am interested in tracking my own in raid when it comes to making decisions about asking for a certain drop. My system so far is simply "Want it, ask for it" and I am not sure this is working to my benefit especially since I am not a vet nor sure I want to be, so I really should be choosy about using what I have acquired.
I'd love to give you some pointers... but I am really not sure of any tools to let you do that. Although if you are curious what your ratio is you can divide EP by GP


For instance: 1000EP/500GP = 2 (That was very simplistic math, but that's how the system comes up with your number if you're interested in seeing what your ratio is)
What Proud said. As long as you don't start clicking any extra buttons, you won't cause any troubles and you can just bring up the list to have a gander at it.
Sam i have never heard you ask for your ratio in our raid. I am more than willing to tell you where your at, so is Baldee
you can run the mod and do no damage. as mordos says...you need to have access to edit officer notes in order to mess the system up. so download epgp and know all!!!
Don't do it! They'll mess up your bank....

And we'll do it again...
