Earth 2160


New Member
Is anyone familiar with this series? I have been looking for a good RTS to play for awhile and haven't found any I like (I can't stand those 'start in medevil age and move up to modern age' type rts).

Summary from IGN:
RTS game based on the popular and successful EARTH series, featuring single and multiplayer modes. After the destruction of the EARTH, the leaders of the Eurasian Dynasty escaped on board an evacuation fleet. Now they are fighting for the survival of the human species. Choose from one of the four conflicting parties: LC, UCS, and Aliens. Earth 2160 features four single player campaigns, divided into seven missions each, as well as four multiplayer modes. The game uses the latest Earth III engine to store objects in a format based on the mathematical model of Bezier-curves instead of polygons for unprecedented detail.

I thought about installing C&C:Generals again and playing that.
Try to find a copy of Imperial Galatica 2. That was a great strategy game, and is everything SW:EAW wishes it could be.

Part of IGN's review (
You can think of Imperium Galactica II as Master of Orion to the tenth power. Everything you remember from the greatest space conquest game in existence is in IG2, and there's much, much more. This variable speed real-time strategy game combines and blends more genres than any other game I can recall. It's a space strategy conquest game, it's a ground-based RTS, a space-based RTS, it's an RPG, it's a city building sim... There's just so much here that it's easy to see why it took four years to put the finishing touches on the game. While the ground-based and space-based combat might not live up to the likes of Red Alert or Homeworld, the combination of the individual elements make for one of the most detailed, in-depth, far reaching space conquest games ever.
I have and played earth 2150 for a long time. I loved that game, I still play it here and there. Its a long drawn out RTS that takes place in the future, mech warriors, and tanks, all that good stuff, lasers. I tried the 2160 demo but didnt care for it too much.
Tnx, ill check it out. I was downloading the 2160 demo, but I think I'll pause that and download this IG2 demo. Yeee im excited.
Master~Plan said:
uhg, no kidding

You can stop dling and look no further. Starcraft > anything else

Pfftttt....Red Alert or face commie oppression...wait...if you play Red face commie oppression anyway...hmm....
Give Dawn of War a try. It's the best RTS that I've played since Generals. I've never been into those AoE or RoN type games before either. I get plenty of that from Civilization. I've always been a CnC fan so we seem to have the same RTS tastes. Give DoW a try. I think you'll like last year's RTS of the year.
I downloaded the Imperial Galatica 2: Demo. It installed fine but it would not play for everything I tried. So I finished downloading the 2160 demo and I gotta say that game looks impressive. Minus the lame voices and the slow game play, it was a good play.

Surprisingly I never really got into Starcraft. I was more of a C&C guy. I wonder if Starcraft is free now? I would really feel awkward buying a game thats almost 10 years old. hehe.
Surprisingly I never really got into Starcraft. I was more of a C&C guy. I wonder if Starcraft is free now? I would really feel awkward buying a game thats almost 10 years old. hehe.

phh free?! for a game as great as sc? its still going for like 20 bucks. SC is at a level of its own.
Does Earth 2160 seem to have slow resource management than the previous 2150?

Building and upgrading your army shouldn't take days or even hours!

Then again, I'm not into games like Imperial Galatica, no offense, patient people.

its still going for like 20 bucks. SC is at a level of its own.

20 bucks, canadian. I'm sure its a lot cheaper in the states.

If your moving from a C&C to a SC gamer, start slowly, know the basics and maybe, you'll understand the game. I should know, I still have my C&C GDI CD.

I moved up from a Warcraft to a Command & Conquer/Red Alert then finally to a Starcraft gamer. Though, Tiberian Sun still is a awesome addition, I love those Wolverines, Bzzzzzz. "Were taking heavy fire." "Ugh...Ahh..." "By your command." :D
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2150 took a while to get resources, even with 8 resource gatherers on lvl 1, with 2 resource stations. If you were UC. But it was still slow for the ED and LC

Did they keep the UC, ED, LC? in 2160
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this game is avaliable via steam, i just bought it and am dowloading it. $20 + tax, much better then $50 when it came out
Wow, I too have this game. I found it at Fry's Electronics for only 10 bucks! They had a whole display case full of them. Im up for an online game if anybody else is.
Downloaded the demo, played it, gonna say, as a beginner to the game, meh.

Graphics and visuals are great, gameplay down-hill for me. I'm not into the whole 3D perspective, though the enviroments was very well done; trees, grass, sky, mountains, etc. I thought it was awesome when I built my first building, it flew from the sky and landed to the ground, truly awesome.

Though, very costly on the cpu specs, 1.5 Ghz min, ouch.

I truly prefer the birds-eye view aspect of strategy games, this whole new 3D perspective is too new for me.

I like how you can take cover from wreckages (half destroyed buildings/ships/vehicles), very realistic.