Does Tek look like Gordon Freeman?

Does Tek look like Gordan Freeman? - See picture in thread before voting

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 73.3%
  • No

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • I'm too weirded out to speak right now, thank you

    Votes: 6 20.0%

  • Total voters

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Click here for the related picture.

Heh. I thought I'd take this picture to show to Elihu after he bought me Half-Life 2 and thought I'd also post it here. Then I looked at the photo a second time and thought it was a bit strange that I looked like Gordan Freeman. Would you agree? Vote now and make your opinion heard on this ridiculously trivial topic!

EDIT: Image re-uploaded and original link replaced.
Last edited:
someone needs to get overhimself and looking like a hot gordan freeman
Almost any white guy with brown hair and thick frame glasses could grow a goatee and look like Gordon, so no not really.
What?!? You mean to tell me that you guys never knew Tek7 was Gordon Freeman (The Last Freeman)? I've known from the very first time I saw him! I mean the dashing good glasses!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (rizz @ Jan. 09 2005,4:39)]laf... tek.. u need better things to do with ur time... like runnung toj?
Oh Oh oh he's done it, now Tek7's evil Gordon Freeman side will take over and rizz shall be burninated :o

k bak on topic..

LOLOL Tek u look so much like Gordon Freeman, i vote on the next aniversary CGA build him a Hazard suite ^_^
i said grow a gotee or someting, thicker frames and ud look 99.9% like Gordon F.
What!?! Barney? No way, he looks way more like the G-Man! He acts like him to because neither use there real names!
I saw a guy in Vons yesterday, and wow... he looks like G-man. I mean i thought i was dreaming. wow it was scary.
Well, Tek, I knew you before I knew Mr. Freeman, so I definitely have to say that you don't look like Gordon Freeman. Gordon Freeman looks like you.
tek, wow, that is low, u dont care if people think u look like gordan, u just wanna show off you fancy Half Life 2 box, meanwhile the poor, unequiped people like me, drool at the picture of an actual box, WOW I WANT IT... no, im not jealous, not at all!