Tek7 (Legacy)
CGA & ToJ President
Click here for the related picture.
Heh. I thought I'd take this picture to show to Elihu after he bought me Half-Life 2 and thought I'd also post it here. Then I looked at the photo a second time and thought it was a bit strange that I looked like Gordan Freeman. Would you agree? Vote now and make your opinion heard on this ridiculously trivial topic!
EDIT: Image re-uploaded and original link replaced.
Heh. I thought I'd take this picture to show to Elihu after he bought me Half-Life 2 and thought I'd also post it here. Then I looked at the photo a second time and thought it was a bit strange that I looked like Gordan Freeman. Would you agree? Vote now and make your opinion heard on this ridiculously trivial topic!
EDIT: Image re-uploaded and original link replaced.
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