
New Member
Hey everyone! Just had a question about my DKP. I've read up on the policy, visited the site, and completely understand how it works.

I should have kept track on my own, and I will from now on, but I can remember at least 10 bosses that I had downed for DKP points prior to last night's raid (which was wicked fun by the way), including four bosses on the night we did our guild first Ignis-25. When I checked my DKP by whispering !dkp to Samboe, at the start of last night's raid, I had 0 points.

It's my understanding that only balances over 10 points diminish:
"The 1st day of every month, all DKP balances over 10 are “decayed” by 10% to discourage DKP hoarding"

So even if I had more than 10 DKP, I should have had at least that many headed in to last night's raid.

I've also checked the website just now - even if I really did have 0 DKP going into last night's raid, I earned 7 last night, and that's not what the site is saying.

If I'm not understanding something correctly, can someone explain it to me?

I'll finish this off with a BIG thanks to all the raid leaders that put together our raids - McFierce did a great job last night! I love raiding with you guys, but I want credit for my work too! Looking forward to next time!
The site doesn't update until the raid leader runs the sync program....likely hasn't happened yet.
Actually looking at your have received items.....which cost dkp. You have earned 33 dkp since it was started and bought 4 items and got a pattern for free :) Current balance looks like it is 7. You have lost no dkp to decay as you were negative when it was done. The confusion might be because of the fact you were negative for a long period of time...from March, when you received 2 items, until September?
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yup...check your history just by clicking your name and you should come up with rewards and items given to you. if it seems like something is missing or wasn't done properly then notify one of the raid leaders and we'll square it away. dkp is usually sync'd within 24-48 hours of any raid.
Ok, I'll go look at it. Again, I'll start keeping track, but from what I recall, I've always lost to someone else in progression raids, where loot would cost dkp. I never quite understood why. Most of my loots have been from what I thought were non-progression runs. Might have been wrong though, and didn't realize the loot was costing me dkp...

It's not a big deal - I'll review it and keep track on my own as well. I just want to make sure the system is running correctly, and it sounds like it is.

Thanks for the help!
Ok, looking at it, the problem was that I didn't realize I was negative. Or that you could even go negative. How can I bid more dkp points than I have?

I guess I'll have to read up on that more. I can see where I only had 4 points, but I was able to bid 8 on something. So I'll have to learn more about that I guess. The system as I understood it was that we got certain amounts of points for killing progression bosses, and we could then spend those points for drops. The person with the most amount of points was able to get the loot, their dkp goes back to zero, and then they start to build their dkp up again.

It seems from looking at the dkp page that certain drops costs a set amount of points, rather than using all the points the player has accumulated.

I think not realizing I was negative (or that people could go negative) was the issue - I also didn't know the naxx gear was using my dkp. I'm good now that I understand! Thanks for helping to clear that up!
Ok, looking at it, the problem was that I didn't realize I was negative. Or that you could even go negative. How can I bid more dkp points than I have?

Because an upgrade benefits the entire raid even if the person receiving it goes negative to get it.
The system as I understood it was that we got certain amounts of points for killing progression bosses, and we could then spend those points for drops. The person with the most amount of points was able to get the loot, their dkp goes back to zero, and then they start to build their dkp up again.

The system you are thinking of is called "Suicide Kings", Aves had brought it up in the past along with other systems as possibilities to use. Its a good system because it pretty much takes out any inflation along with hording dkp, as 1 item will drop you to zero. Thought about using this system, but its a hard one to implement on this issue of fairness to those who put in a ton of work, get a lot of dkp, and only get 1 item. Pro's and Con's...
I personally dont like Suicide Kings and do not believe that most of our members would as well. I think if we were to switch I would look at EP/GP but again I do not think that our DKP system is a problem. It has worked just fine for us and I believe will continue to do so.
You don't bid for items under Redeemeds DKP system. The item costs 8 DKP. If you have the most DKP of those wanting the item, your DKP balance is reduced by 8 DKP. DKP is not dollars and negative DKP is not credit, the DKP balance is nothing more then a means to determine who is next in line for the next item.
You don't bid for items under Redeemeds DKP system. The item costs 8 DKP. If you have the most DKP of those wanting the item, your DKP balance is reduced by 8 DKP. DKP is not dollars and negative DKP is not credit, the DKP balance is nothing more then a means to determine who is next in line for the next item.

My stuff cost 6 dkp actually. I think one of the items did cost 8 though.

And, in response to Reco, I agree that the system is a good one. I just misunderstood it. I'm fully on board now, and ready to keep raiding!

Thanks for all the clarification guys!