Tek7 (Legacy)
CGA & ToJ President
Thought I'd stop by the forum and help get things rolling. So here's a thread everyone can enjoy and learn from.
What upgrades do you get during Combat matches and in what order? I'll share my marine upgrade order here. *G*
1. Motion tracking. This upgrade is always, always, always first for me. I'm way too nervous otherwise. ^_^;;
2. Armor level 1. Because focus bite stinks. Grr.
3. Damage level 1. Getting ready for a new weapon...
4. Nothing.
I hold that second point.
5. Shotgun and HMG immediately after. Because I stink with the shotgun in Combat matches.
At this point, I have a bit of wiggle room. Sometimes I get a welder if others already have heavy armor or the comm chair or armory are beat up. Other times, I go with Resupply if most of the alien team is still playing as lerk or skulk.
Eventually, though, I want to have an HMG, HA (heavy armor), and resupply. If I'm playing on a server that allows more than 10 levels in Combat, I'll usually spend my remaining levels on armor and weapon upgrades.
So get to it, people! Post your orders and get this forum breathing a bit.

What upgrades do you get during Combat matches and in what order? I'll share my marine upgrade order here. *G*
1. Motion tracking. This upgrade is always, always, always first for me. I'm way too nervous otherwise. ^_^;;
2. Armor level 1. Because focus bite stinks. Grr.
3. Damage level 1. Getting ready for a new weapon...
4. Nothing.

5. Shotgun and HMG immediately after. Because I stink with the shotgun in Combat matches.
At this point, I have a bit of wiggle room. Sometimes I get a welder if others already have heavy armor or the comm chair or armory are beat up. Other times, I go with Resupply if most of the alien team is still playing as lerk or skulk.
Eventually, though, I want to have an HMG, HA (heavy armor), and resupply. If I'm playing on a server that allows more than 10 levels in Combat, I'll usually spend my remaining levels on armor and weapon upgrades.
So get to it, people! Post your orders and get this forum breathing a bit.