Christian Guild on Stonemaul


New Member
I am part of a Christian Guild on the Stonemaul PVP server called REDEEMED.

Paladin: Madapostle
Death Knight: Padreous
(both lvl 80+)

To join, go here first: Redeemed - Join Us
In game, contact: Pyrilian (for add, tell him Madapostle sent you)

NOTE: We are trying to rebuild this guild. A section of time in the past when the Horde outnumbered the Alliance 2 to 1 drove many away. Now, after a realm consolidation, ratio is balanced out. 4 realms were brought together in October.
Redeemed is the guild that helped me collect 50 companion pets back before Mists and the addition of battle pets, then later helped me collect 150 total battle pets.

Oh, right, and Redeemed is a Tribe of Judah guild, so I'm biased on that front, too. :p

Regardless, the folks in Redeemed were a pleasure to play WoW with and I recommend any Christian gamers looking for a guild check it out!

EDIT: Yay, Redeemed! /cheer
Best of luck in getting a solid crew going. I just resubbed myself, but am not a PvP fan at all. I ended up shifting over to Echo Isles to play Alliance with a friend. Feel free to add my BNet tag. Just say you are ToJ...I seem to be getting a lot of friend spam from gold sellers like everyone else lately...

That being said, here is a little more encouragement to those nervous about rerolling on Stonemaul to join these fine folks.

Cross-realm mailing is coming in the next patch (for all BoAs, not just heirlooms...not gold though :( )

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Add ewoksrule#1113 if you are playing. I won't be on my redeemed toons but we can still cross server group :)
I'm all Stonemaul, all Redeemed, all the time. GIMME DAT PVP.

I've never played on a pve server. I'd get bored and quit wow if I ever tried...