change to tree form in next patch..


New Member
apparently there has been alot of controversy surrounding the change. I dont see the problem with it myself.

on the left is the new version, the right is the old.

I think the tiara really sets off the lipstick. Now if only trees could wear pali tier 4... that would really be an amazing ensemble.
Now THAT's what I am talking about:) Thanks for mocking that up Renee. I certainly hope that you have submitted that to the suggestion forum. Those trees look way too masculine.
I knew there was a reason why I can't play a druid, they are girly ;) What does that say about our men who play them ... no comment :P
I knew there was a reason why I can't play a druid, they are girly ;) What does that say about our men who play them ... no comment :P

I was going to comment, but I can't. lol. My mage is a female gnome and my bloodelf mage is also female. I don't know, I just can't force myself to stare at the back of a guy for hours while playing. hahaha