CGA Prayer Newsletter June 13th

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New Member
Im posting the first newsletter here so you can all see how it looks. Please comment on anything that could be done to improve it etc...

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/     CGA Weekly Prayer Newsletter     /
/            June 13, 2004             /

/ Prayer of the Week: A prayer of thanksgiving /

This weeks prayer is one of thanks, mainly for the successful launch of the CGA Prayer Newsletter. God has been instrumental in its conception and creation from the start. He has placed people on the task with perfect timing (without their knowledge) and has moved in a great way to see this come into fruition. Please continue to pray that the letter is successful and that many more members of CGA/ToJ join to unite our community in prayer. It was stated at the staff meeting at the CGA convention that prayer is the focal point of the next step of where CGA is moving. Pray that this is just the beginning of some amazing things that will come out of CGA. We want to be pioneers and set the example not to follow others but to follow Christ and His witness. Using this amazing opportunity, to reach a people group that has been overlooked in the past and share God's Love and Compassion, "Rizz"

/ Prayer for the world: /

For peace in the world: especially war filled areas.
For those in authority: that they would do all things pleasing in God’s eyes.
For the lost: those who have not found the One and Only Savior.
For the believers: to help in their struggles against all of the evil in the world.

/ Prayer for our members: /

(This will be done systematically over the weeks and months to come.)
This week prayers go for Rizz our planter of seeds. Pray that God keeps his faith and beliefs strong and that he is not afraid to follow God’s plans, even if they are in His timing not our earthly ones. Pray for ECC Newark (Rizz's Church)* to strengthen and grow and that their outreach program to go along with the Euro2004 soccer tournament is successful.. Following a meeting on Sunday, they will then have a chance to fellowship while watching the tournament on big screen tv.

/ Prayer Requests /

(All prayer requests and praise reports can be found in Our Prayer Forums* should you need more information or wish to post on that topic.)

Health and Sickness

- Skwidboy. His friend Darren was in a longboarding accident. He has a broken Ulna and also some nasty minor injuries. Please pray for his quick recovery.

Travel and Missionary

- Mahfrot and Tastywheat. Will be traveling all summer with each of their schools' summer music ministry team. Please pray they have safe travels and do some great things for God over the summer.

- DrummerGirl. is going to Africa on a mission trip for the summer. Please pray for safe travels and that she is used by God in a mighty way.

God’s Peace and Compassion

- Skwidboy  is taking finals, for peace of mind, patience and concentration.

- DrummerGirl  is going through some tough times and needs some peace from God.

- Litsafalda’s Nana-grandmother- has been having a rough time due to the extended illness and death of her husband this past April. Please pray for her strength in God for all her physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs.

- Everygypsy. Is having a tough time at the moment. Please pray for God's peace and guidance.

- Water. His brother has a problem with surfing bad sites on the internet. Please pray for release and that God will use Water as a witness to him. There are also some great links to help people who struggle with pornography in this post*.

God’s Blessings

- Kraken. The roof of his church collapsed and he needs God's provision to help rebuild the church building

/ Praise Reports /


- CCGR. Her baby is doing well. Keep an eye on the progress at her website.

- Gods_Peon. His brother Devon had an unknown infection that was in his hand and chest. It was later found to be blood poisoning. Thanks to God he is expected to make a full recovery.


- SSquared. A prayer answered, he has got a new job. Everything is going well although he doesnt have much Internet access.

- Rizz. Praise for a safe journey to and from the USA. A great time had by all at the CGA Convention. And the eventual appearance of his luggage!

- Hescominsoon. Praise for safety during a bad tornado that hit their town.

- Litsafalda. Praise for a safe and less stressful trip and visit with family. I would also like to add a thanksgiving for the joy working on this newsletter has given me. This is a very much answered prayer as I’ve become quite bored and a bit lost in many areas. I’m so excited about it that sometimes the ideas and plans won’t even let me sleep. My hope is that this will increase and grow my faith and also my praying abilities to make them more blessings to God, "Litsafalda"

/ Private Prayers /

These people have asked for prayer but also asked for the nature of the prayer to remain confidential. So please lift up these people in their time of need.

- Corpfox
- Daniel
- Jango
- Litsafalda
- Rizz

/ Contact CGA prayer team /

Should you wish to send a prayer request/praise report/update/or removal then please feel free to email or post in our prayer forums*. Please try to meet the deadline of 3 PM EST on Thursdays. The newsletter will be schedule for mailing on Sunday afternoons.

If you have a prayer request or seek advice but think it is too personal to post in open forum, then email where your request will be dealt with privately. It will be put on the Private prayer list so that you can be prayed for without disclosing the details of your need.

Should you wish to contact the Prayer Team or Newsletter Team for anyother reason then please feel free to mail Rizz at Many thanks for signing up to the newsletter and God Bless.
The CGA Prayer and Newsletter Team.

/ Links* /

1. Forums -;act=SF;f=75
2. Water's Thread -;t=177
3. CGA Site -
4. ToJ Site -
5. CCGR Baby Site -
6. CGA Newsletter Yahoo Group -
7. ECC Newark -
Thank you we're glad you like it. Now don't forget to sign up. Sorry to anyone we may have missed. Please try to keep up informed and updated.

Blessings, "Angel"
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