Can't get Warhammer to come up from desktop

I also have this issue, however, I am not in the closed beta, so my time playing until September 7th is done...
Hahahahaa, after clicking about 3 times to try to get it to come up, I waited for a bit, then clicked it again about 4-6 times; then in frustration, I clicked it somewhere around 100 times ( a bit exagerated but not much). Then after posting this and reading some of the threads, I finally get one 'patch error' message, then another, then another..... then a WHOLE bunch! hehehehee, got to curb my frustrated fingers.
I have to use a completely different client.

It is the "elder" client.

You need to be an "elder" which means you received an email telling you which client to download.

Otherwise you are locked out until they let you back in.