Burning Blade Refugee


New Member
I thank you for your acceptance, I am looking forward to running with you. I know a few other familiar faces are transferring here with me so I wont feel like a total stranger. However, when you are among other believers you are already in the family so it might now be that rough. once again thank you for the opportunity to join. I will be transferring soon.
It's been a pleasure talking to you guys in game and getting to know you guys a little bit and your old guild. And you're right, the day you accept Christ into your life is when you become a part of the family. Welcome to Redeemed. =)
Welcome to our family. Please note, you will probably hate it here...I know I hate it every day when I'm FORCED to get on WoW, forced to run with people like Fjorboug and Mituba, FORCED to level up my toons, FORCED to play with ANSLEY....pfft, that Ansley character...you better watch out for her too....she pwns men....<shows you his wedding band> see!

***peeks into a thread of dark clouds getting darker and deeper by the minute*** Do I dare enter this den of noobishness? Welcome!!!