Brief hiatus


New Member
Howdy guys (and gals),

Just letting you know that I'll be gone for the next 6 days to counsel at the North Carolina East District Wesleyan Youth Camp for the middle school portion. After that, I get a week off, and I go back to counsel for high school for another 6 days. Prayers are appreciated as I head off to one of the most overlooked mission fields - church camp.

Peace be with you all.

(Tek's shortest post EVER)
All right, I guess I'll give a brief rundown. I'm now back from my second week of counseling, this time at the high school camp. Let me tell you, being a counselor does not exempt you from Christ's mighty power! The whole week (both weeks actually) was based on a climbing theme. First, you must meet the Rock. Then, you've got to have the right equipment to make the climb, face your fears, and be properly suited to make the journey. It's an incredible analogy, and if any of you want the extended version let me's great for a youth retreat
. At any rate, I had been dealing with a couple things going into camp. The first major one was my inability to hand over my financial troubles to God...I definitely dealt with that. I had another personal problem which I swiftly dealt with at the first camp.

The most memorable experience from both weeks though...a teen named Alex asked me to help him start the climb on one of the first days of high school camp. It was awesome having the opportunity to guide someone along like that. What really made it though was something he said on the last day..."I won't ever forget that you got me going Charles." It's hard not to feel overly proud when someone says something like that to you...but i credit it all to Christ.