Breed demo


I played a bit of the Breed demo and you get to
fly vehicles as well as drive vehicles which is
good, the graphics seem a little yesterday on
soldiers, when did the software company started
making Breed? Breed seem's to be a bit like Halo.
And you get to Fly Vehicles in space. And in
Vehicles it's in 1st person and not 3rd person.
I think I'll still try to get Deus Ex 2 at the
I just finised Deus Ex 2...not bad, I guess, but somehoe it didn't have the same feel as the first one...oh well, I guess it's a "Matrix" situation: When you make a great oiginal, it's hard to make a sequel live up to it. Invisible War had its moments, but in some ways, it seemed less erious because of the characters and settings. I get the kind of vibe from it that Red Faction 2 had after the first one: The first one is serious, the second one is a Saturday morning cartoon. Just look at the characters.

Somthing I noticed, which may prompt me to play the game again to find alternate endings, was with the tips displayed during level loads (which were annoyingly long). They referenced all three possible endings of the first Deus Ex, which leads me to believe there may be scenarios in Invisible War that actually reflect all three, rather than simply the merging of JC Denton with the Helios core. Could be wrong, but it's worth another shot or two.

I liked the simplified biomod system, in a way. In my opinion, silent run should've been a constantly active skill in the first one, but then crouching in the first one rendered you silent anyway. I hated the new menu system. The old one was much more down to earth, detailed, and easy to navigate. The new one reeks of console portability, which I dislike. If you're going to release a game for PC, do everything you can on a PC, including displaying small text. Maybe you need Playskool-sized letter blocks on a 320x240 TV display, but not at 1024x768.

As for a Christian perspective on it, well...consider the title for starters, "Deus Ex," meaning "God from..." what? From my best understanding, this is determined by how the game is finished. In the first one, you had three options, which ultimately determine not whether or not the earth is destroyed, but how it is changed, and who is given leave to rule it. You could ally yourself with the mysterious Illuminati and become a secret behind-the-scenes ruler, destroy the communications core of the world, plunging it backwards technologically, or you could join with the Helios artificial intelligence, giving you absolute control over the world's communications networks, and essentially placing the character in the role of a god. Certainly, none of these directly reflect God governing in the affairs of man, and its made obvious from the opening cutscene of the first game that the role of some of the villain characters is to fill that role. In the second one, it's made clear throughout the game that many religions are vanishing, some being assimilated into a new belief. Don't expect to find a Christian premise in either game.

Wit that aside, though, both Deus Ex games offer a colorful and imaginitive picture of what the future could be like in certain respects. How long will it be before we have some of the same bio and nanotechnology depicted? It definitely makes for a very different world with a very engaging storyline.

Holy cow...did I just write a review?
The full name is actually Deus Ex Machina, which technically means god from machine (which makes perfect sense if you played the helios ending of dx and explored a lot in Everett's labs). I loved Deus Ex, but the demo of dx2 felt lifeless. I guess I'll buy the game when it goes down in price. Anyway, what did this have to do with breed?
Dunno. DX2 dont work on my PC tho
I was all psyched for it, got the demo, and it turns I out my card dont support pixel shader 1.1 technology, oh well, im building a new one in a few months. . . . . .

DX1 tho, IMO, is one of the better games out there. It originality will keep it up there with other game like HL, DOOM, and Starcraft for years to come.