Blood Keep Server Destruction Side for Preview


Active Member
Hello all...

For the preview weekend, we will be in Blood Keep server playing Destruction Races.

For those of you who are new please join us.

We understand you might want to try both sides. Please feel free to poke around on Order. However, we have found in our shared experiences you will find more enjoyment by having a group of people to play with and RvR together. We will all be on the vent server as well.

Vent Info
Port: 4304
No Password needed currently

FYI- we originally choose a server for Destruction that is not up atm. This is the reason for the change.
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I won't be in today, but should be starting tomorrow. I have two events going on tonight so I won't be getting home til late.
God... i wish I could play...

i STILL HAVENT gotten my kry.. i have emailed them 4 times and called them once, each time getting a different version of "soon" or "shortly".

Have fun guys! I am with you in spirit!!
I've created a few characters, so hopefully I can track you down and join you...been a while since I've played with some of you in DAoC. :)

Kasimir, chosen
Veles, marauder
Ogmavaug, shaman
Ogma, squig herder
Avagdu, disciple of khaine
Rhiamon, sorceress
Ogyrvran, magus

(I'm still indecisive about what I want to play)
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