Belated update...


New Member
Hi guys!

Sorry if I seemed to dissapear for the past month. I have been having a wonderful time at church getting ready for our big upcoming Christmas production (25,000 people attend over 8 performances) - I got a promotion to Music Directors volunteer assistant and I have been busy costuming the new choir members and in general helping out doing administrative details and such. I love it, btu I have been busier than I was when I had a real job LOL. So between that, husband, homeschooling the kids and attempting to have a semi-clean house I have not found any time to play!

So I am still here lurking, I may get a little time to play at night this week since Brad (the hubby) is in Mississippi with our church doing clean up work with Samaritans purse, so I am free after 9pm when I put the kiddies to bed.

My sister just joined the guild too, another transfer from a different server. We are both hoping for character transfers really soon! She has a 58 druid I forget where, but she loves paladins so her char here is a Paladin named Tarassa. Her RL name is Tara so that shoudl be easy enough.

Thanks for welcoming her!

talk to you all later,

Thank-you for dropping her off. We will take good care of her in your absence and look forward to seeing you on-line as you can.
Relaeha said:
So between that, husband, homeschooling the kids and attempting to have a semi-clean house I have not found any time to play!


You homeschool your kids? come that never registered with me...I homeschool too :)
yeah, but with the size of your family North i don't know if you can call it "home" school...maybe "massive-home" school - teehee!

*poke, poke*

yeah, i've got quite a ways to go to catch up!
Was just gonna ask the same question..LOL Nice to see ya on here Joe...been missing ya in game and in person. Hope and pray all is going well for you, Jolane and Mikayla.

Hmm..we play a massive multi player game...I have a massive multi person house :)