Be afraid!


New Member
Be very afraid!

Three women on TeamSpeak at the same time!


It's official! We're taking over. :D
Dauntless said:
Yikes! So much Estrogen...

:eek: :eek: :eek:

how do we know that MM didnt just log into 3 computers? shes very tricky like that

actually I got stuck in a TS channel with 85% women once, it was impossible to comprehend half the speech...
vibrokatana said:
I am blatantly convinced MM has made this entire guild up...

Glad to hear that you have finally come to terms with the fact that you are a fictional character.

one2dredd said:
Wow this is like the Twilight Zone!!

*Rod Serling steps forward in his black suit, a grim look on his face, his hands crossed in front of him*

“Imagine if you will, a woman, alone in an empty world. She has nothing but her imagination. She begins to develop extra personalities. First strangers, then friends, and finally a husband. Her imagination is so strong these personalities believe they truly exist. They begin to take on a life of their own. What happens when she ceases to believe that they are real? Do they continue to exist? Do they just begin to disappear, leaving her alone once again?
Welcome, you have now entered the Twilight Zone.”
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aka Ash said:
“Imagine if you will, a woman, alone in an empty world. She has nothing but her imagination. She begins to develop extra personalities. First strangers, then friends, and finally a husband. Her imagination is so strong these personalities believe they truly exist. They begin to take on a life of their own. What happens when she ceases to believe that they are real? Do they continue to exist? Do they just begin to disappear, leaving her once again?
Welcome, you have now entered the Twilight Zone.”

Hmmm...based on this, I have total power over everyone; they exist or cease to exist at my whim, and I am the ulitmate power. But I know this guy named Jesus, and I'm pretty sure He's more powerful. So what does that do to your theory? :D
you got me there.

Assuming I am real...Jesus is the ultimate power...and I will go on believing that.

Actually I missed C$ here so I was trying to fill his shoes for weirdness (j/k) and dredd set me off to show my age with the twilight zone thing :)
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Just to clear things up Rho is not a girl :eek: but his wife Protector Keladry (Kel) is and was using the family acount. Maybe we need to add another acount.