Bad Psychology

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I've been having problems with Lust and I think me
"Having to have a pretty girlfriend or hugging a
pretty girl" to be happy has not helped me


I was on a Church camp and I liked a girl and I
was angry in my mind because of not having her.

Another Example:

If a Christian person say's "I'll never ever get
a pretty girlfriend for the rest of my life", i'll
get funny in my mind.

Now I think if I have Lust delt with in my life,
i'll enjoy life more. I think I have been repenting
of Lust but I've been having problems with Lust
and I can do with Christian prayer's.

I've been having Lust for year's now.

There's a verse in James that say's "Where
do all your fight's and quarrel's come from"

Don't worry, I won't swear at Lust.
hmmm that proves interesting caleb. a few girls at my youth group hug people (including me) as a type of greeting. now if i have bad thoughts in my mind then its lust. im able to say that thankfully no evil thoughts have entered my mind working in that direction. for me i see dating as irelavent for me at 14 though a few of my friends wholely disagree.
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