Are you serving?


New Member
Hey how are ya's doing.

I know there are so many of us in the CGA.

Recently we had a state conference here is Australia and one of the preachers made a great statement. They said that too much people focus on 'their ministry' and 'their calling'. It's all self.

What we should be asking is what is GOds will. What is His calling. Then ask what can i do (in that).

So here's the Question. What's happening in Your local church. And what are you doing to serve the vision in your local church.

Personally our church is out serving the community as much as it can. It holds Skate board, blade and Bike comps ever year for the local kids. Bringing in Sponsored skaters and the like. Not preaching. Just giving out and building relationships.

We have a great missions focus and build churches and sponsor pastors in Indonesia. I've been to indonesia twice in the last 2 years and I'm going over again in November-ish.

Nationally our movement in growing and we send money to help plant churches and revitalise churches that have trouble growing.

Locally i also help out with the music and sound. Bass and drums.

So i'm giving of my time and Money to build the kingdom.

So what's your talents, what you got, and where you serving.

Have you read the book "Experiencing God"? That's where I first heard that idea you stated. It's a wonderful, wonderful book. Totally changed my life. Rather than asking, "What is God's will for my life," they turn it around and ask, "What is God's will and where do I fit in to it?"

Hoo boy! That's a toughie. For the last 11 years, I've been involved with worship. Recently we formed a special songwriters group for people within our church. Our goal is to get some new songs from within our church body.

But our church has grown rapidly in a very short amount of time, and so we are rather large, but still lacking in many areas. I've actually got all sorts of ideas I would like to implement and possibly move out of worship for a bit of time. My problem is, I do not have the gift of administration. So I know what I want to do, I'm just not the one to get all the logistics worked out.
well I would consider CCGR my online hobby/ministry but in my church I work with junior high girls. the past i've been youth pastor and Sunday School teachers (both for young adults and teens) After the summer, my church will be starting back up it's Corps Cadet program and I'll be leading that.

I'm also building a nifty-new website for my local Corps, which is data driven and dynamic enough that it could be used by any Salvation Army Corps
mmmm serving..

I finished my degree and decided to turn down the prospect of a highly paid job to work full time in my church for free. I do part time work in schools to pay for car and such.

I generally do anything i am asked but my area of skill is computer design. In such we are now producing brochures, magazines and goodness knows what else.

Its really cool to be able to give your life totally over to God. Not having any financial commitments since i still live with my parents. Though sometimes it does pinch cos i am sooo busy with stuff. And if that certain female comes my way i am stuffed unless someone decides to give me a million

oh yeh and i spend nearly all my free time sorting out cga/
In my church i'm a youth sponsor for the summer, and I drum for the praise band when they need me. I also give lessons to whomever wants them in the church.
I do alot of volunteering, I have done more than 100+ hours of community service for a Bird Rescue Center, I always help out at convelescant homes, and basically do alot of service out of the goodness of my heart, I'm even going down to Mexico this year to help build homes for the needy down there...but then again I'm not doing this because god told me or my church told me, I'm doing this simply because I care about people!
Out of the goodness of your heart? What do you do out of the badness of your heart? And can I ask how you measure goodness? Do you have a little scale of goodness, kinda like a number line, and when you pass zero on the left side, you're being bad? But being a little bad at times to worse bad?
I don't know how you measure your goodness. For instance, I believe the terrorists of 9/11 weren't necessarily in the wrong to attack their enemy...but they were in the wrong to attack deceptively. I don't think we were in the wrong to attack Iraq, but I think it was wrong of us to miraculously lie at times when it served us best.
You see? How do you measure your goodness? And what makes you so certain you have goodness in your heart?