Americas Army Christian Clans and Servers


New Member
Hi i'm new here and i am an AA addict. For those others of you out there that want a clean playing environment i'll post some of the Christian Clans and their websites here.

Hey for those that play AA alot and want to know about some christian clans i have a pretty good list of some. [Alpha Omega]... 2 servers... 1 always on bridge 1 roams. -=Army of the Lord=- ... 2 servers i believe... they play alot of Hospital and Bridge {Brothers in Christ} ... 2 servers... 1 is almost always on Hospital, the other roams {Christian Soldiers} ... 1 server i think... its usually on bridge. {Christian Troopers} ... I'm not sure if they have a server, you might want to check their website =Fighting for the Lord= ... i do not think they have a server either -=Gods Infantry=- ... 1 server i think... it roams *Men of God* 1 server... not sure where they play, at the moment (4/2/06) it is on Bridge. -=Of God=- ... 3 servers ... 1 is always on MOUT Mckenna the others roam i think... 1 of the servers might be their private practice server .Unity in Christ. ... 2 servers... 1 is usually on Hospital, 1 is usually on Pipeline. is a place for christians and christian clans to get together. It was first started as an alternative to which had some pretty bad stuff on it, but a week or so ago they stopped using the host that had the bad things and now there isnt a need for another tracker. So now we hope that Christian Tracker will be more of a place to organize christian tournaments and things like that for AA... and maybe even other games eventually.

I am sure there are plenty more Christian clans than this and if i find anymore i will be sure to post em here for y'all.

Oh and also, if you havent played in a while be sure you get the newest version: 2.6 @

PS... My AA name is [AO]MSGT.Redeemed=!= i am part of the Alpha Omega clan and usually on our server

If ever you want to find one of these servers a VERY easy way is to bring up the AA Filter, go to find by Server Name and type any of the clans tags with an Asterisk* ... for example [AO]* will bring up both of [AO]s servers and where they are at.