Age of Mythology


New Member
I just recently got this game, and noticed that there isn't a chapter for this game. Does anyone here play? I haven't played many strategy games online, and would prefer a "gentle" introduction to the game.
Weeell, we were planning on converting Tribe of Judah's inactive "Age of Kings" chapter to an "Age Of" Series chapter, which would, of course, include the Age of Mythology game. There was some debate whether or not a game involving mythical gods was an appropriate basis for a Christian gaming chapter, but the debate ended rather quickly due to insufficient interest.

I'm still willing to re-open the topic for debate and consider starting a chapter for AoM, but I would need several people ready to get involved before I'd do so.

So, in short, there are probably several others around the CGA forums who play AoM. I just don't happen to know who they are. ^_^;;
I would play, but I lent my friend my copy and haven't gotten it back yet. Maybe if The Titans goes on sale cheap again I'll buy it, and get it back.
I play AoM .... haven't played for a while though ... playing Rise of Nations now as well... maybe we should have a chapter that lumps together RTS games....AOK/AoM/Civ/RoN ?? ... maybe then we can at least have a place where all might feel @ home ?

Whaz yer thoughts ?
We should just have a "Lump" chapter, where are the people who don't play games we have chapters for can go and we can call them lumps and the chapter slogan will be "The chapter for the lumpy folk"!