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New Member
hi all, i have to ask a ?.
I have checked the history of sites on my bros comp(the one i use for cs and such) and well...i found certain things(mature ppl know wat i mean and i want to help if u dont know wat i mean dont bother)and i want to help him break it. one thing i did is went to a site on how to break the addiction. and made shortcuts all around his desktop, so if n e one else has ne ideas tell me, i am younger than him and he is 18(both christians)
confronting him can sometimes be a good idea, depending on the person. If you feel that he would agree he needs to stop you can confront him about it. Then once you can get him to admit he needs to stop its alot easier. One good resource is  They have alot of good tips as well as an awesome program that reports all sites you view to two accountability partners's emails. It works very well. If you brother doesn't seem up to admitting about it, then prayer is always good of course, and you just gotta use your judgement. If you think its really bad then telling someone like a parent or someone who will confront him about it might actually be the best thing to do. tattling might seem like a bad thing, but sometimes you gotta put relationships on the line like that to help someone. Confrontation is probably your best move tho, unless ur brother is in denial or will beat you up or somethin because of it
-_- aye my own brother is doing same just bout exactly same thing (he older n watnot) cept he fell away from the lord a while back but i found evidence that says he started when he was 16
(4 1/2 years ago) i jsut keep praying for him, i dont have access to his computer to add links so u have an advantage, and my parents have confronted him bout this issue before but they did it more out of a ur-a-sinner-thou-shalt-not-sin-ur-going-to-hell kinda way and i dont think it worked
I heartily recommend using both Setting Captives Free and Covenant Eyes as resources to help your brother break his addiction.

Sex is shoved in the face of young men in America and I'm sure other countries see the same style of advertisements and television programming. If there are so many forces seeking to destroy us, we need to take hold of as many tools to combat this wicked enemy as possible.
If covenant eyes is the thing Elihu showed me fro myour surfing tek then i recommend it.. in fact i am gonna set it up with my mentor asap.
Aye, covenant eyes is the program that I showed Rizz that Tek uses with me. Its a great program that requires dedication and time to another person's habits...and God can work through this program to help lead people out of bondage. All it takes is the faith of a mustard seed...

If you can get him to admit it is a problem, then I recomend the book "Pure Desire". It is a great book on the bondage of sexual addiction. I think this is a struggle allot of us Christian men have today. As Tek said above, sex is shoved in our faces constantly. Here is the website on the book Pure Desire . I hope that all this information will help you and your brother sort through this.

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